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any tips to improve my SW focuser

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on a couple of occasions I've found if there is any dew or moisture in the air my focuser seems to slip
esp the last 10mm when going full inward, it just drops into the focus tube

I have seen the astronomy shed video where he flattens out the focus tube which I think will help

as I have the classic two black lines down either side that stop about the 10mm mark, and I think thats why it falls in the last 10 mm
its not being gripped by the focus bar, I'm also going to try adjusting the tension screw again as it seemed to work before
but now its up to its old tricks

lastly if I try to lock the focus it always seems to move slightly in or out knocking my focus out again

any other tips apart from upgrading (planned but when funds allow)

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There seems to a bit of controversy about the flattening mod. Some says it works as intended and gives a lot more surface contact with he spindle, whilst others say the aluminum is hardened across the flat area and grinding it destroys the hardened layer.

I have to say on mine it looks and (with a thumbnail) feels just like the rest of the aluminium, but I'm not an expert ;) I finally went for a MoonLite, but that is a pretty expensive option.

I do remember that the adjustment of the tension screw is very critical. Literally a small turn is the difference between slipping and not moving smoothly (or, more annoyingly, at all when loaded with a camera).

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yeah looks like more money getting splashed out, I was hoping to be able to "Fix" it enough to use for now

as the plan is to get the revelation DS and I also plan on a motorised unit to go with it so I'm not using my clumsy fingers

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Well, if you are going to eventually replace it then it's worth trying the flatting mod in the short term. It's not like it has much 2nd hand value, so what's to lose?

good point

I do some work for a local engineering company, may take it to them and see what they think about if its hardened

and maybe get them to flatten it out, I'm sure they will make a better job of it than I can with a whetstone

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