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DMK21AU618 Firstlight on LOHA


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Some gaps in the cloud here today so I rushed to get the EQ6  and LOHA setup on the pier (it was still setup for Lucksall) and decided to grab some quick avi's with the DMK21AU618 that I bought of Photosbykev at SGL9...

As it happened solid cloud rolled in before I was really up and running .... but got a few 1200 frame AVI's... and then it threatend rain so I rushed to get everything back in the house...

Nothing spectacular but it does seem easier to get both proms and surface details out of a single AVI with the DMK21AU618 compared to the DMK21AU04AS I used to use...


Maybe more to follow later...



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I was gutted that the rain didn't amount to much and the skies cleared later so I could have left the mount out an got the PA sorted...

Really happy with the upgrade it will tide me over for a while until I can think about the Skyris 455M again.... The exposure were a lot shorter and the gain a lot lower as well so a win-win situation... These were late afternoon so the atmosphere was pretty turbulent...

Registrax v5 trough to 6.1 was throwing a wobbly with the AVI's though :(


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Thanks for the comments...

Withe the PA beind way off there was significant drift even in the 20s needed to capture the 1200 frame avi's at 60 fps .. The much shorter exposure with the 618 helped keep the detail so improving the PA will be the first thing I need to sort out before attempting mosaics...

Hopefully I will at least get that done this weekend...

Then it will be solar flats, stacking and post processing that I will need to work on...

For some reason the when I open the AVI's on the desktop "beast"  they have twice the number of reported frames that were  captured on the laptop?  Registrax 5.x refused to open them but 6.1 does...

AS! 2 opens them as does VirtualDub but both have thd alternate black frame present...

I have a lot of respect to those of you who have nailed the techniques needed to do it...


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I had to install IC Capture on to all machines I use the images on, even those that I just use for processing, otherwise i get funny images. Please excuse me if you have already done this.

I sometimes get the odd blank (black) frame when using a DFK21 @ 60fps and have just put it down to the USB and PC nor keeping up with the camera. I see them on the laptop as well as my desktop in the same place.

By the way, which codec are you using, Y800?


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Thanks for the reply Robin,

Yes it's the Y800 codec the capture laptop is an I5  running Windows 7x64 Premium with USB3.0 (and USB2.0) capturing to a SSD on that machine ICCap says it's captured a 1200 frame AVI.

The same version of ICCap is installed on both that and my I7 Win 7x64 Ultimate Desktop which I use for processing.

I will take a look at the files on both machines this weekend.


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Hi Peter, I used to have the same problem with AVI's until I was pointed to this. It solved the issue for me. No more black frames now.

 'Processor idle state manager'

Its at the very bottom of the page. download it, run it. problem should go away.


I have downloaded and installed the lastest Drivers, Version of ICCap and the Processor Idle state manager on both machines - I guess it needs to be run on the capture machine?  or does it need to be run on both?

Just about to set the mount and gear up and hopefully grab some new videos...

Who said having a root canal filling done doesnt have it's advantages - in this case an early finish... :)


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Once downloaded and installed on the capture machine, it should hopefully give you a full avi with little or no black frames. I don't know why you would need it on any other comp.

Once installed, you just forget about it. .....It runs itself in the background when you use the DMK.

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The "processor idle state manager" doesn't seem to have made much differnece to the AVI's I have captured - it's "active"  but I am still getting the alternate black frames  :(

Thanks for the info I will look into it a bit more....

Looks like I might have to go into the BIOS on the capture laptop to try and  sort it... One for tomorrow I think....

Sky just stayed clear enough for me to PA the mount on the pier I could just about make out polaris in the polar scope through the high cloud...


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Sorry to hear that Peter. I was getting 50% black frames before I found this proggy. now I get virtually none.

Incidentally, I use sharpcap for capture and camera control. Not sure if it makes a difference.

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IS say it's not guaranteed to work with all motherboards and bios software... I will dig around in the bios and see what options there  are in there...

They also suggest trying different usb leads... The daft thing is the capture laptop captures the 1200 frames in 60s but when you open them they open as 2400 frame sequences with alternate frames being black... all 1200 light frames are there... so it's not dropping frames...


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1200 frames in 60s = 20fps. Seems low for for the 618 (I haven't used one ,so not sure)

My biggest irritation with this phenomenon was when it came to stacking. I would shoot 2000+ frames, but when I tried to open in the avi in some software, it would not load due to being over 4000 frames and half were black anyway.

Then I found the little proggy, started using Sharpcap and AS2 for stacking, and have had no problems since.

Maybe its just a data transfer thing.

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