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Frustrated !

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Finally got the new SW Skyliner 200P dob constructed and collimated (I hope!)

What a nightmare though!

Got to say, I didn't expect it to be so much hard work. Numerous issues with the build + don't mention the collimating !

The Skywatcher instructions for the fixing together the scope are quite frankly laughable. Even the "Part list" page is inaccurate with several parts included not listed at all (i.e. the feet + screws, a second adaptor?? 2 spanners and a screwdriver)

There are 3 Alan keys - none of which fit the primary mirror adjusting nuts for collimation. Fortunately, I had one that fitted in my toolbox.

Screwdriver - as much use as a chocolate teapot! - too small to get a good grip on the screws - only usable for the accessory tray screws.

The screws to hold the base together required some real brute force to screw in all the way, likewise the feet screws - I suspect anyone less than fully able would never get them in.

The instructions miss out so many steps they even give Ikea flat packs a run for their money !

Also, one of the primary mirror collimation adjusting screws was so tight it took all my strength to loosen it and i'm no lightweight !  (the screwhead itself was also damaged before i even touched it as though someone had already overtightened it during manufacture and damaged the cross top)

The 3 screws holding the secondary mirror were also excessively tight - there should be a warning about bracing the spider vanes when trying to undo them as they visibly bend otherwise - good job i noticed before forcing them too much !

Just finished collimating it about 20 mins ago after 4 hrs !  read a few of the guides you guys recommended and eventually got the hang of it but the damaged screw didn't help.

Hope it's collimated ok - the crosshairs of the Cheshire Collimator appear to be directly over the little black circle which has the small black dot inside it and I can see the 3 mirror clips equally...

Sorry about all the moaning !  I needed to vent my frustration !

I understand you can get some knobs to ease the collimating process - is there a supplier in the UK as don't particularly want to order from Bob's knobs in the US does anyone know?

Can anyone also recommend a good barlow lens for use with it - it only comes with 2 EPs - a Super 10mm and Supper 25mm wide angle?

Finally, (I'll shut up waffling in a mo...) anyone recommend a good protective cover the the whole setup ? I plan on keeping it in the summer house (it's just a big shed really !) in the garden and wanted to keep the crawlies and dust/muck of it?

Thanks guys

now... when is that cloud ever gonna clear !

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I wonder if the owners of Skywatcher ever look at or pick up on posts like the above and then feed back the info to their manufacturers in China....

The build quality and damage in shipment have been well commented on in many posts but it still happens.

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