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M81 & M82


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Hi All

manage to get outside for a bit the other nite, thought id give M81 & M82 a go, got about 45mins of data before clouds came an spoiled the night

total 40 mins worth of subs, 1m each

40 darks

40 bias

stacked in DSS & GXT, PS5

still getting to grips with processing so any comments be appreciated.

clear skies all



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thanks this was unguided as not been wanting to risk dewy laptop over the last few months mite look into some sort of box as protection for it then finally get round to guided subs, which guide cam did you go for, ive got the mono QH5Y-IIL ?



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Hi John

Even more impressive if not guided!

I went for the colour version  of the one you have as I wanted to do some planetary with it without using filters.

Only managed a couple of sessions guiding, but have no trouble finding guide stars...using an old 300mm telephoto lens (f5.6 but stopped down a little to make the stars round!).

Seems to guide the EQ3/2 well if the mount is well balanced.

I have a long usb lead trailing back into the shed where the computer sits, so no damp problem while guiding.

Though I do use a laptop to set focus... it is just too much of a pain going back and forth trying to tweak the focus, or using binoculars to try and see the monitor screen (!).



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