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Star Coordinates Validation, please


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Can someone check a position for me of CI Cygni.

My BAA chart lists it as 19hr 48m

SkyMap Pro 10 lists it as 19hr 50m

They agree the Declination of 35o 33'.

SN does not list it !??!

(BAA is using Epoch 1950)


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It's ok.

What I tend to do is us Cartes du Ciel to locate suitable double star candidates and then use Redshift to give a more realistic view of the field of view.

I find they complement each other well.

I think that some of the data in RS is not as accurate as it could be.



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Lunator is right on the money, Daz. AAVSO has a chart here: http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/shrinkwrap.pl?path=/charts/CYG/CI_CYG/CICYG-ER.GIF

What scope are you using? If it's a regular newt, use this chart: http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/shrinkwrap.pl?path=/charts/CYG/CI_CYG/CICYG-E.GIF

A locator chart is available here: http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/shrinkwrap.pl?path=/charts/CYG/CHI_CYG/CHICYG-A.GIF, along with a BUNCH of other variables in Cygnus. (Most of which are quite faint.)

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Gaz is right CduC is not very good at representing what you see through the eyepiece, but it can be loaded with all manner of data bases.

I have Tycho 1 & the WDS loaded.

The WDS info is more upto date than the one I got in the Bob Arygle book!!



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I use CdC to generate locator charts for GRB searches. I locate the field and download USNO photometry stars to fill in the field and figure magnitude. Then, I plot a few charts of smaller and smaller FOV to take to the scope. Works great! It even lets you download pro images of the sky and manipulate them, blink them etc. Excellent.

Right, it's ugly and somewhat cumbersome user interface and sorta slow, but extremely powerful and, ahem, it's FREE!

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