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Lodestar Live Windows 7


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Hot off the press but Lodestar Live is now running in Microsoft land..


Unlike the OSX version, the Windows version uses the official SX driver. It turns out that the SX driver simply operates on a write / read bytes style, so all the formulation of command blocks etc is performed at the API level. This is great for me, as Lodestar Live already formulates all the command blocks itself (so I am not using the SX API, but rather my own spin of it), and on OSX uses libUSB for low level reads and writes. On Windows it simply uses the SX driver for low level reads and writes instead, so the code differences between the two platforms are minor.

It is also great for the user as it means (on Windows) provided you have the SX drivers installed you just load Lodestar Live and it will all just work, nothing extra to install! :-)

It is still locked to the Lodestar, but will open it up in the near future to other SX cameras.

I hope to get the new version out sometime next week - this time both OSX and Windows. Will post details when it is ready!

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Great news Paul, we appreciate your time and efforts with getting the windows version available for us to use. I can already hear my credit card groaning at the thought of buying a Lodestar-C. (Oh no! not another camera)

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