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Image Capture vs Calibration/Stacking Software for Atik OSC CCD

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Hi All:

an Atik OSC CCD camera comes with Artemis Capture..was wondering about people's experiences with Artemis Capture vs Nebulosity 3 for image capture and focusing?

and was wondering about people's experiences with Artemis Capture vs Nebulosity 3 vs DSS for calibration/stacking?


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i found artemis very basic and easy to use which i like, i wish they had a simple start and stop button when taking exposures but apart from that it`s very simple to use, connect camera, set exposure and so on and the shoot, nice little program, the processing software that comes with atik cameras is something i haven`t really used as yet but the artemis it self is very good and i`ve had some good results with it, ccd mono imaging is still fairly new to me.

another one to consider is astro photography tool, another one i use alot, it also works on ccd cameras as well as cmos canon cameras, infact any ascom camera should work with it.

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I like Nebulosity as I can control the filter wheel from it. I don't like the stacking routine as you have to handhold it all the way.

Artemis is probably a great program but I took one look at it and put it in the bin marked "Shareware 1994 to 1997"

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I have never used Artemis Capture but do use Nebulosity 3 as the capture software for my SXVR M25C  OSC CCD. It really is a very good software package, the stacking functions are much better than DSS and there are some very good pre and post processes features such as Digital Development for stretching images.  I can recommend it. There is a very good video review of Nebulosity 3 by Dion from the astronomyshed forum. See below/

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I find Artemis Capture great for doing just that. Does exactly what it says well. I like the way you can change the running sequence on the fly. What I don't like is that it only controls Atik Filter wheels.. but that's expected. I've not really used Dawn apart from the initial play when I first got it.. says a lot.

Nebulosity does do a lot more than just capture. I've used it since V2. it can be scripted and has some pretty good calibration, stacking & basic processing tools. Well worth the outlay. It can also run multiple instances although I've had some odd lockups when running captures with the triple shooter setup. I tend to use a single instance of Artemis, Neb and now Maxim for capture which seems to avoid the lockups when running multiple Nebs (if that makes sense).

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