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Vertical grey and black thick lines with ASI 120

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You could try a different USB lead, is it directly into the laptop or through a hub, if a hub is the hub powered.

Can you use any other software to view an image from the cam?

Do you have another PC that you could connect it too, just for diagnostic purposes?

Just need to try and isolate where the problem is, use a different lead, if it's the same then the lead is ok.

Try different software, if it's the same then it's not software.

Try a different laptop/PC is it's the same then it sounds like the camera.


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Just a thought, and I might not be using the correct terminology here, but on the tech spec for the camera is it 'interlaced'. If so I believe this can cause horizontal lines on the picture, but they can be removed in post processing.

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I sometimes get a grid pattern visible when i use my 120mc for planetary inaging, and sometimes it persists post processing, but it only happens probably one time in ten, and i've never worked out what causes it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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