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My Latest Jupiter

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I'm posting this in the beginners' section as I don't feel too confident with planetary AP! I want to try stacking my stacked set of TIFFs in PS to see if they create a better image. This is just one of the stacks of 2000 frames. I used a 3X TAL Barlow. I'm hopeless at focusing but did my best even though the Moon was bright and very close. I'm glad I caught the GRS though! I just wish I could get more detail. I'll have to save up for a good planetary camera for that I think!



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Thanks! I used my Phillips webcam with the 200P and the 3X TAL Barlow. Captured by SharpCap and stacked in Registax + Wavelets. Then a bit more very gentle processing in PS. There were some artifacts from Wavelets which I had to get rid of. A cheat, but I love PS!

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