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6/2/14 White light.


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It's a lovely day today and the breeze has died right down so everything was much easier although I think I may have to readjust focus a tad but never mind.

I stacked 43 in the end and took a couple of hundred.



Also just a little rant, my OIII filter that I ordered is finally in town which is positive but I have to go to the post office to collect it. Why, I sign for letters weekly from the post man. He had to pick up a piece of paper that tells me to go to the P.O to deliver and put it in my box so wouldn't it make more sense to just deliver the wee little filter at the same time?

Beggars belief sometimes.

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Ay, similar up here, JB. I'm actually convinced today is the first day of Spring. Cherry trees are in blosom, birds are a tweeting, the skies are a deep blue and las chicas have removed their winter coats and heavy jumpers :p Looking forward to the night session.

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Very nice shots, Jarrod. It might just be my eyes but the centre looks slightly sharper than the edge, which I think gives a really nice effect. :cool:

Shame about the OIII filter outing. Hope you get plenty of chance to test it in the coming days.

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Ay, similar up here, JB. I'm actually convinced today is the first day of Spring. Cherry trees are in blosom, birds are a tweeting, the skies are a deep blue and las chicas have removed their winter coats and heavy jumpers :p Looking forward to the night session.

It's starting to get that way around here, really looking forward to the next jump in temps though. At the moment it's tantalisingly close.

Wonder if the sea is swimmable yet?

Very nice shots, Jarrod. It might just be my eyes but the centre looks slightly sharper than the edge, which I think gives a really nice effect. :cool:

Shame about the OIII filter outing. Hope you get plenty of chance to test it in the coming days.

Well not sure how that would happen, all I notice is the hotspot which I have trouble flattening out.

Maybe because the 3 larger spots are in one area and I stacked them individually?

It's just a faff with the filter now. I try to avoid faff when possible, that's why I chose for them to send it via post as correos are the only ones who normally don't require you to jump hoops to get a parcel. At 7 euro for a delivery that is not actually delivered I feel a bit slighted. I wont get it until Saturday morning by the looks of it, trying to find a parking space in the village is hard enough but we have to post a few things so it's not as big of a worry as I make it out to be.

But yeah, I have been waiting two weeks for it so am itching to try it out.

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Oops! :o

At least the year is right.

Indeed, I was 1,000 years into the future in one post heading :grin::embarassed: I think if there is some slight blur away from the centre (which might just be me), it works for me. I'm having a bit of trouble with my ED80 white light shots at the moment. When I try to sharpen them up, the spots look a bit like they are floating on top :confused: I'm having a play with the various ways of sharpening to see if there's a processing solution or whether there is something that I have to do better with the capture.

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lol, sometimes I wish we could edit the post titles but the mistakes make it more fun.

It could be a focus thing and the software doesn't like it too much. I haven't changed a thing since the really crisp shots last week so I guess it's only natural that things move. I'm going to try and address that today if I can.

Floating on the granulation is a new one, it may look good, or not :p

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Oh to be able to swim in the sea.  If I fall off the yacht in the Tyne, it will be a close run thing if the hypertherma or pollution gets me first.  Very nice Jarrod, hope the OIII filter turns up, we have exactly the same thing here, one of the reasons I get everything delivered to work, the other reason is Mrs DrRobin doesn't get to see all the incoming astro items and what she doesn't see doesn't upset her.


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A super shot :) :) :)

You have sea as well!!! that's an even better medium to solar view over, you need to get into ultra high resolution imaging Jarrod :)


Thanks, the sea is a few km's away but it's not too far. We are looking at moving soon and one of the options will be along the coast and there are a few nice places that are right on the water within price range. Either that or we will be inland which will be better for LP.

I often read about Hi Res imaging but don't really know how it differs or what is involved. :confused:

Oh to be able to swim in the sea.  If I fall off the yacht in the Tyne, it will be a close run thing if the hypertherma or pollution gets me first.  Very nice Jarrod, hope the OIII filter turns up, we have exactly the same thing here, one of the reasons I get everything delivered to work, the other reason is Mrs DrRobin doesn't get to see all the incoming astro items and what she doesn't see doesn't upset her.


I don't quite think March temperatures in the med match to the Tyne's temp in July. I wouldn't want to be the one to test it out. :D

Picked up the filter this morning, it's a lucky dip here as to how things get delivered. I just wish that it would come to my door without a fuss, to be fair sometimes it does. :eek:  Mrs JB is pretty good actually, she got me my Scope, PST and Polarie as various birthday gifts so I can't complain and I figure if I'm honest about it then the big purchase wont be so bad. For two years now I have been putting it out there I'm going to spend 2-3 grand on a scope, not sure she thinks I'm serious or not.

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