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Leo Triplet - added more luminence data


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Well this is now a total of 6 x 15 min subs of luminence data. I also have about an hours worth of Ha data but I'm not sure it's going to add much, and still need to capture RGB.

Scope: TV NP127is 660mm f/l @ f/5.2

Camera: Atik 490EX

Filters: LPAS

Guide: TV Pronto + Lodestar

Mount: Losmandy G11 + Gemini L4

Subs stacked in DSS and levels etc., adjusted in PS.



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M66 has grown past the edge of the frame! (This happens often when you image galaxies and add more and more data. They expand, which is a good thing of course.) You could always try rotating it slightly for a further shoot and with a bit of deft Photoshoppery combine them to use all the captured frames. It's a kind of semi-mosaic technique which can be useful. The more data you add, the bigger M66 will get. It has a huge outer halo beginning to show here.

Anyway, very good. The core of M66 is excellent with lots of nice spiral structure.


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