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Ordered Finally .. Now Excited Like A Big Kid!

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Finally, after much research, saving up, gnashing of teeth on decisions and plenty of great helpful advice from the members here, taken the plunge and ordered my new scope and mount today.

It's the Celestron Advanced VX 8" Newtonian GOTO Telescope - and will hopefully last me a long time and give much enjoyment.

The main reason I went for this is the VX mount which I wanted, as is great for Astrophotography which I want to get into a bit more seriously.  I did try for the 6 inch package version, but it was out of stock most places I tried, but found the 8 inch and decided to spoil myself a little.

Hopefully it will land tommorow - so getting excited now like a big kid! :tongue:

Clear Skies to all! :smiley:

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Awesome, congratulations Vortex. It is like being a kid again - the excitement is wonderful.

However, if you are going to get into astrophotography, keep saving... The AP money pit is bottomless!

Clear skies and have fun with the new gear.

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