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Carina Widefield - for Ron

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Ron asked me to do a wide field version of the Carina Constellation while I'm on holiday in New Zealand

So ...... here it is - 9 subs x 25 secs @ 1600 ISO, darks and bias.Canon 350D EOS, 28mm lens, on fixed photo tripod.

Would have had more subs but clouds came over.


(click to enlarge)


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Thanks MD, that is very kind of you, and what a splendid sight that is. I am sorry to hear the cloud rolled in, that's probably due to the request for this image coming from the UK.

Carina is such an interesting area of the southern sky, with a lot of activity within those clouds, lots of star formation going on.

Wonderful stuff Moondog, I appreciate you taking the time to do this mate.

Enjoy your time down there, and take in as much of those skies as you can.


Ron. :salute: :salute:

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Thanks MD, that is very kind of you, and what a splendid sight that is. I am sorry to hear the cloud rolled in, that's probably due to the request for this image coming from the UK.

Carina is such an interesting area of the southern sky, with a lot of activity within those clouds, lots of star formation going on.

Wonderful stuff Moondog, I appreciate you taking the time to do this mate.

Enjoy your time down there, and take in as much of those skies as you can.


Ron. :salute: :salute:

You're probably right about the clouds Ron ! Glad you liked the pic.

As Helen says, the Southern skies are spectacular. Hope to post a few more pics before I have to get back to the UK. :D



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I couldn't manage anything like this quality of image from my home in the UK.

At home, for a similar subject, I guess I'd need a driven mount for 250 sec (not 25 sec) subs together with an LP filter !

Just shows you what's possible with good skies doesn't it ?



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Dave - glad to hear it' a cold 3.8 deg C in the UK.

Suppose I'll have to struggle on then with 30 deg C in NZ until I return to the UK in Feb !



MD, If there is nothing to come back here for, I would stay where you are mate. February is not going to see any improvement in the weather here. In fact, it is usually a foul month. Stay where you are until the end of April. :D Give you time to send back some more southern sky gems.

Ron. :D

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Ron - we would stay here if we could but we've got to get back and see to the house sale in the UK. We can't stay permanently in NZ without selling it ! We won't be back in the UK until end of Feb though, which might get over the worst of the weather.

It will be good to get back to NZ with all our stuff from the UK - including my astro gear. I've been missing the scopes and particularly a driven mount. There's not a lot you can do with a DSLR and a fixed photo tripod - even with dark skies !



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Well, you still have a few weeks over there MD, So you have time for more pic taking.

Have you got your UK home on the market yet, or is that the reason you are coming back in Feb. to get the ball rolling.?

We have had some awful gales here this last couple of days. The weather really is foul, and no sign of a let up.

Hope it stabilizes for when you come back.


Ron. :D

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The house in the UK is 'sold' - just awaiting exchange of contracts, which we hope will be when we get back to UK.



Ah, good, then most of the headache has been removed. Plain sailing from now on. How I envy you. A friend of mine has recently returned from New Zealand after visiting his daughter and familly, who recently moved there to take new jobs.

He and his wife were despondent having had to return home, but hopes very quickly to go back there. He loved the place, and you could see the pleasure written all over his face has he recounted almost every hour of his stay there.

This chap is a fairly successful writer on Local History, and Lakeland Hill Walks. It would not surprise me if he and his wife decided to go live there too.

Best Wishes MD.


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