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M42 with the new scope

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Hard to give comments when we have no idea of the equipment you are using.

Is this a single sub straight from the camera or have you post processed it ? - for me it's a little too pink.  Stars show some trailing so i'm guessing you are not guiding ?

On the whole though it's really good - well done

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Good start - keep going. Don't know aht you are using but because it's a single 2 min sub you have got a lot of field rotation and the centre of the Nebula is burnt out. I would suggest doing some 20 sec or lower subs and then aligning and combining them. You will then get no rotation and the centre would not be so bright.

Great that you also got the running man on there as well.


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Its a lovely image and great for a single sub i actually like the colour too.

The burnt out core is natural with this type of exposure and as said some shorter subs will fix that you might have to go as low a 1-2 seconds with a fast scope.

It does look as though the PA is a little off but thats easily fixed.

These are minor niggles though it realy is a good 1st effort.


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