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Hello again! Rain? What rain?!!!


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New setup (scope and guider), dropped laptop (ouch) and some really bad weather here in the East Midlands means I've not posted much for a while. Been doing lots of reading, watching tutorial videos, more reading, and fine tuning the setup.

I've been pretty much back to the drawing board with my new kit so I still have some guiding and field curvature issues due to still fine tuning my spacing, but this is my first half-decent image with my new scope. Really pleased that I have finally managed to track down the (for me) elusive horsehead nebula, and image it. Well, imaging anything is a bonus this year!

5x10 minute light frames, 10 darks, 50 flat, 100 bias. All stacked in DSS, bit of photoshop and here we go!

I look forward to getting back on the boards more now the weather is seemingly not quite a appalling as it has been. Hope you've all had better skies than I've had.

Cheers and CLEAR SKIES!!!!



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