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Where to place a dew heater?

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I am about to buy a dew heater for my CPC1100. I already have the Celestorn Dew Shield and am thining of adding the AstroZap Dew Heater Tape.

Where on the CPC should I place the dew tape? I have a Telrad positioned at the top of the tube so it would interfere with the tape if I placed it there. Is it ok to place it on the heavier metal ring that holds the corrector lens? Does it matter if I feed it through the gap in the Telrad mounting bracket so that part of the tape is not in contact with the scope tube?

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If I read your description right then No. It doesn't go on the metal ring that holds the front corrector plate, but it sits directly behind it so it is pushed up against the ring. You can then put your dewshield on over the top. That is what I do with my C9.25. 

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Agreed. It sits just behind the corrector plate casing (so it is contact with the metal of the scope tube).

which means I have stuck my Telrad in the place where the band needs to go :-(
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Wouldnt the telrad be better off stuck on the rear of the scope?.

I put it at the top because I suffer from a bad back so don't have to bend down to look through it when it is at the top. But it looks like I'll have to move it.

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