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Omegon Super Plossl Eyepiece


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I am looking for a small lightweight eyepiece that doesnt bust the bank and will give reasonable views for a grab n go I am taking on hols. At F4 ish I am not expecting the world and viewing will be done without my glasses so ER isnt as critical.

These will be giving about 100x and 200x barlowed

I have not been able to find much info on these so wondered if anyone has experience of them or their reputation as a manufacturer, are they clones etc



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Thats a new one on me Steve but the specs look good for the price ie: fully multi-coated and a 55 degree field of view. The eye relief is a pretty tight 2.4mm though (as you would expect from a 4mm plossl) and I wonder if that deep eye cup would get in the way of getting your eye that close to the eye lens ?

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Those specs look very much like the highly praised Sterling Plossl from the Smart Astronomy in the States. Only the Sterling has a different body with no eye cup. As John says, you would think the eye cup would hinder the experience with such a tiny eye relief. 

You can actually buy the original Sterling version from the States for £17 plus del (works out at £26 and no customs to pay) and its a known quantity in terms of IQ, with most reviews putting as one of the best plossls in the sub TV market. 

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The TMB makes more sense at 4mm. Decent eyerelief and chunk of glass to peer into. I have a Celestron Nexstar 3.6mm Plossl which would be perfect for my 80ED but i just can't be doing with it to be honest.

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