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How to improve?

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Hi All,

First post on SGL!

I have been lurking for too long. Decided to post one of my first images. Any and all advice gratefully received. What I really want to know is how to improve. Is it just move data or can anyone see fundamental errors?

This is 2 hours Ha from the Horsehead Nebula on my C9.25 with an Atik 314L+.




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You're focus is good, your collimation looks good, your guiding looks good (impressive for this FL), your preprocessing seems to have worked and your post processing stretch seems to have pulled out what's there while not tearing up through the noise floor.

(Apart from that it's rubbish!  :grin: )

So, nice one. The only way to go further is to take more subs and longer subs. (I say that without knowing how long your subs were but I'm just expressing the principle, especially in narrowband.)

An impressive début which surely belongs on the DS imaging board rather than here.  :icon_salut: 


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II'll echo what Olly has said.  Is this at F10?  What sub times?  The way forward with narrow band is long subs and plenty of them.  If you aren't already doing so 30mins should be a bare minimum at F10.  Beyond that it is a compromise, if you go too long each lost sub due to cloud or wind is a mini disaster given the importance of overall exposure time.  

At the scale presented here your s/n ratio is holding up ok but a few more hours would help further and allow you to sharpen up the nebulosity.  That's a cracking result from 2 hours using a scope that takes a lot of taming

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Thanks Olly,

High praise indeed. With the weather, work and family I've spent more time browsing SGL than looking through telescope! Read your posts with interest. In fact when I was looking for a second hand CCD I was offered an Atik 4000 OSC that was previously yours! Out if my price range of course, but I was told it had your seal of approval.

This is my 3rd or 4th image - the others were Rubbish, but a useful learning exercise. Lots of reading SGL and Make Every Photon Count.

This was 10min subs. I will have to sort out my polar alignment to go further.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I see no banding and no pixelation (but I do normally spell 'your' correctly!!!) Pixelation at 0.57 arcseconds per pixel doesn't seem likely to me....

It might be worth trying a binned image unless you really have excellent seeing. At least worth a pop.


Edit, your reducer post just came in but still you'd have a job to pixelate, I think.

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