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Orion in the Clouds

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Had a quick look out last night lots of clouds but some gaps so i grabbed my camera with the 18-55mm kit lens on photo tripod, i had not used this lens before for AP so i thought i would have a go knowing that a few peeps have had problems with focusing.

I set up the camera at ISO 1600 live view on and was greeted my a miriad of stars on screen so i focussed on the dimmest one i could find then off to take some shots.

The 1st 3 images where done at ISO 1600 with the lens wide open and 1-2 second exposures. i know they are a bit noisy (only used the jpeg versions atm) but i was quite supprised at the captured detail and the lens performance so was a good experiment to try.

The clouds cleared for a few mins so i quickly set up the WOZS71 with FF and got 10x 1 min subs again at ISO 1600 but the image has a huge dust bunny just below the nebula still not a complete wasted night and the kit lens will get more outings.






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  • 3 years later...
On 2/10/2014 at 13:29, Alien 13 said:

Had a quick look out last night lots of clouds but some gaps so i grabbed my camera with the 18-55mm kit lens on photo tripod, i had not used this lens before for AP so i thought i would have a go knowing that a few peeps have had problems with focusing.

I set up the camera at ISO 1600 live view on and was greeted my a miriad of stars on screen so i focussed on the dimmest one i could find then off to take some shots.

The 1st 3 images where done at ISO 1600 with the lens wide open and 1-2 second exposures. i know they are a bit noisy (only used the jpeg versions atm) but i was quite supprised at the captured detail and the lens performance so was a good experiment to try.

The clouds cleared for a few mins so i quickly set up the WOZS71 with FF and got 10x 1 min subs again at ISO 1600 but the image has a huge dust bunny just below the nebula still not a complete wasted night and the kit lens will get more outings.






What is the green halo in the bottom right of second image 

and also heart shape below orion nebula in third image ?:huh:

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The green glow is lens flare caused by shooting close to the Moon, from memory I think I had a UV filter fitted too which can make internal reflections worse. The heart shape was a large bit of dust on the sensor (no flats used).


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