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My first webcam image


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OK, i decided to butcher my £30 MS Lifecam HD webcam and see if it could capture anything at all, mainly as a project and to give me something to practice with to develop my skills.

The converting of the webcam was easy enough, but learning how to use Sharp Cap, Registax 6 and a Windoze laptop was the biggest challenge LOL

I managed to capture about 2 minutes of avi at HD (about 12 frames per second) with the homemade webcam in  my Skywatcher 130P and the kit Barlow. Not sure on the Sharp Cap settings, I was too excited to actually get a round blob on the screen and keep it there to note them down. I also didn't have time to properly polar align my EQ mount (did it with a compass and magnetic North) as I can't see the Pole star from my Garden, but it was close enough to keep the tracking adjustments to something manageable.

Then after about 20 minutes of youtube videos later, I managed to get Registax to process something.

OK, its not brilliant, but it was successful enough to keep me interested. I'm sure there is more I can squeeze out of the £30 cam before I convince the wife I need a 'proper' camera ;-)

Hope its OK.



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very good job, nice and clear.

You've got a slight misalignment of colour channels in there, notice how it's blue on the left edge of the planet and red on the right edge ?  Common with webcams I think, at least mine does it all the time.  Fortunately very easily fixed though - in Registax, on the wavelet page, there's a button called 'RGB Align' - click that, draw a box round the planet, and click Solve (or whatever the button is called, am working from memory)

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