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Can any one tell me the weight of the Skywatcher 200P Dobsonian

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After some fantastic advice on this forum (thank you everyone) I have narrowed my choice for my first scope down to either the Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dobsonian or the Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian. I understand that the 200P is the same length and only 5mm wider than the 150P but also that it is a lot heavier. As a am a short lady who will need to transport my scope to a dark sky location I am concerned that the 200P will be too heavy for me. I have also found it difficult to find out how much these scopes and their bases weigh. I would love to go and see these scopes in person but I am not very near to a dealer, so I think I will have to buy online. 

So I'm hoping that people out there who own these two scopes can tell me their exact weights and then I can fill a bag with tins to see how heavy if is!

Also if I can stretch my budget to the 200P is it worth it as a beginner to go for this over the 150P?

Thanks for your help 

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Hello, welcome to SGL

you can find the information here


Shipping weights should be very close to overall weight. OTA weights are state separately under the specification tab for each scope. As long as you are okay carrying it the 8 inch will have that much more light gathering, and at that level, from 6 to 8 inch this means for deep sky work the 8 inch will be the better option. Both are great scopes though.  I don't think you'll be disappointed with either.

Good luck :smiley:

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Thanks so much for this link Alex - on the First Light optics page for the 200P (in the Q&A section) it says that the base is 13kg and the scope is 17kg!! I thought this must be wrong as surely the base would way more than the scope!!!

Right I'm of to put 11kg of tins from my kitchen cupboard in a bag and see if I can left it. I had almost decided on the 150p but now I feel I really want to stretch that budget and get the 200p. Specially now I've found an Astronomy club on my doorstep who meets regularly at a dark sky site. I'm really interested in DSO. 

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Thank you so much Charic - it's great to hear this from someone who actually owns one. Fingers crossed this won't be too heavy for me as I really want to purchase this telescope.

I suspect this is a silly question - do you recommend this telescope? Have you been pleased with your purchase :-)

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You will not go wrong with the 200p Dob , for a first scope it will be great and it will last you a long time. I carry mine assembled from the garage , so I'm sure you will manage it in two pieces. The base has a handle to assist carrying and you can screw the handles into the tube to make it easy to carry.

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I've just put the tins into a bag and I have to confess that it does seem rather heavy especially the base. I think I must be a bit of a weakling. I'm conflicted now  - I want the 200P but I don't want it's weight to put me off using it. Also concerned about carrying from the car to the dark sky site in dark conditions. 

The 150P seems like the more sensible choice but..... 

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Thank you so much Charic - it's great to hear this from someone who actually owns one. Fingers crossed this won't be too heavy for me as I really want to purchase this telescope.

I suspect this is a silly question - do you recommend this telescope? Have you been pleased with your purchase :-)

100 % happy with this telescope and  my choice of lenses . Just hate the weather we've had for the last few Months. 

The 150P seems like the more sensible choice but..... 

If you can get the 200P it will be better. The larger aperture will make the difference. The telescopes are about the same size, but the 200P has to be wider in the OTA due to the wider mirror. The telescope un-bolts by using the two grab handles and sits easily across the back seat of a car say a Focus. The Base I sit on the front seat with a seat belt. I've no room in my boot, but that's the obvious place to put it. But the seatbelt keeps it stable.

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I have 3 different scales, Electric, Mechanical and Spring Balance (Fishing) all giving different  results?

Now I've just come down from the loft and the OTA box says NW 9Kg and GW 13Kg so assuming NW to be" Net Weight" that would equate to the 20 Lbs of the fishing scales (They seem accurate in comparison to other fishing scales in the club)

The Base packaging says NW 12Kg GW 15Kg so again matching the 27 Lbs of the Fishing scales. 

Therefore, give 12 Kg for the base  and 9Kg for the OTA giving  21 Kgs overall weight for the telescope.

28Kg for both parcels arriving at your door.

Stands about  132Ccm (4' 6") high and consumes about  53 cm (1' 9") floor space.

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Just set up and used my 200p for the first time tonight (First Light! yay!). It's a fantastic bit of kit, very intuitive to use, and even with the stock eyepieces I've already seen some amazing views - the moon and jupiter were stunning!

Although it is big, it's quite manageable, even easier if you move it in two bits. It's not significantly larger or heavier than the 150, which I also considered. I figured 'buy the aperture now, rather than upgrade later.'

Buy one, you won't regret it.

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Thank you Charic for braving your loft for me. I think that if it is 9kg for the OTA and 13kg for the base then this is managable.

Which is good because I really want to buy the 200p 

Thanks for the other dimensions too - I think it should fit okay in my little Hyundai i10 

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Hello ecw199!

As stated in an other post I own the 200p SkyWatcher. I looked at both 150 and 200 in store and i can tell you that the only notable difference is obiously the tube itself. Both base are really similar, almost twins. And the base is really the less friendly part to carry so do not hesitate to go for the 200p.

BTW my girlfriend carried it on a short distance without problem and she's 5'2".

Also the tube is bigger but won't take much more space in your car as it is the same length.

Hope this helps :)

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Thanks everyone for your replies and reassurance.

You've convinced me I can manage the 200p, it's what my heart tells me I should get!

I now have to be patience and wait for my birthday which is in the middle of February. The advice I have recieved here on this forum has been invaluable and has prevented me from making a big mistake. I know I'll be back looking for advice and hopefully, as I learn, helping others.

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Hi ecw199,

I have recently purchased the SW200p and it really is a fantastic bit of kit...it is pretty heavy and the base can be awkward to carry despite the solid handle. I say this because I have to store mine upstairs and it can be quite a fraught experience bringing it down for a nights viewing (I have a narrow staircase with some jutting overheads), which of course is a moot point if you intend to store it on the floor you will mainly use it from. :)

Also, I wouldn't relish having to move it unassisted more than 50 - 100 metres from the car at a dark site.

I would also recommend a right angled finder scope to replace the supplied one if you don't want Rod Hull mistaking you for his sidekick :)

Those are the only things that I have found to be somewhat of an issue, however, the scope is so nice to use and observe with you quickly forget these things when eye reaches EP :)

Whatever you decide, welcome to SGL and have fun!

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Hi HumptyMoo 

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying using your 200p. I am still a little concerned about the weight. Like you I am going to have to store it upstairs, there is just nowhere else for it to go. My stairs are fairly wide though so hopefully it won't be too awkward. I do keep changing my mind a bit but I think the 200p will be worth the extra awkwardness. 

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Just thought I would add this link which I have just found as it may be useful to others considering buying this telescope.


It's for hiring a 200p and descibes in detail the weight and dimensions of both the OTA and the base. Very useful as I have been trying to work out for certain if it will fit in my car! 

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I would say if you have a car or don't have to walk too far, go for the 200. The simple fact that you can separate the base and OTA makes it far easier than you would think to transport. While yes, it is somewhat heavy, I would say it is no where near the "too heavy" mark. (P.S. I also have a helluva flight of stairs to traverse)

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