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Rosette Nebula with DSLR...


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So, here's my attempt at the Rosette Nebula:


11 x 600s subs at 800 ISO, calibrated with darks, flats & bias. Kit as signature.

I'm reasonably happy with this result (I would position it slightly higher in the frame next time), though I feel that I had to super-stretch it to bring out the detail. Did it need all that stretching because it is a relatively faint target, I've shot relatively short subs and it's with a DSLR, so the accompanying noise is always there too... or what?!

From my semi-rural back garden, I have semi-dark skies and a reasonably low level of light pollution. How can I get better results? Is the answer really better equipment, e.g. a cooled CCD? Or, are there some strategies that I could employ with the kit that I have... Perhaps those being; longer subs and more subs?

As always, I look forward to hearing your opinions.

Forget the traditional greeting of 'Clear Skies', I will simply wish you all 'Keep Dry'!

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Really good image. All you AP types are making me sick with envy. Only hope one day I can produce an image as good as this (and countless others I've seen since joining this forum) :D

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Thank you for your kind comments folks, that is very encouraging and I look forward to the next project.

I shot the subs last Saturday night - 25th Jan. I had been out at work all day and knackered when I got home, but the sky was clear and I couldn't sit inside... Set-up and managed these subs before the clouds and rain returned. The seeing seemed to be pretty decent, though it wasn't that really crisp sharp bright night sky that we are all yearning for.....

Maybe one day soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's very good.

With a CCD you could catch some Ha efficiently and blend it with the red channel (probably). This would catch more faint stuff and add to the sharpness and contrast of the nebula. The main CCD advantage would be this, plus more star colour.


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Thank you Olly and thank you for the advice re. how to improve the image. As I am finding with all aspects of Astrophotography (longer FL scope for instance!), there are so many solutions, but each has its quirk or compromise and none exactly answer the question perfectly! So, for now I will stick with the DSLR and do the best I can with that... At least it has a nice wide FOV within my current set-up!

Thanks @Leveye - the modding was a slight bead of sweat on the forehead task, but I managed it and it really is the single best thing that I have done to my set-up. My pics are just loads better since doing that.

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