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Can registrax be used in normal photography??


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Cannot see why not, but equally cannot see why you would in the first place.

Registax berings the detail out by adding up the collected light in the multiple frames. There is a sharpening option but there is that in many of the packages for normal photography as well and many are free as well.

Seem no real gain and a lot of processing effort, as you are using a small webcam when a DSLR will do it better.

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Hmm interesting.

The reason I ask is because I was looking at some pictures a friend took with his Sony camera, his camera had a mode where it takes 7 frames then puts them on top of each other. Canon cameras have a similar setting where they take 3, I believe this is the HDR setting.

Will give it a try later.

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I'm not sure how well Registax would cope, but certainly some of the examples on the AutoStakkert!2 website relate to stacking multiple existing "normal" images to reduce the noise so that sharpening can be used to bring out detail that is not readily apparent in a single frame.  For example, stacking images where some text is indistinct in order to make out what it says.

Of course if you were planning to take photographs and wanted such detail to be clear you'd make sure of that when the images were created.

The reason for stacking in astro-imaging is to reduce the noise in the image to the point where transforms can be applied to enhance the detail.  In astro images noise may be a significant part of the data in a single image.  In "normal" daytime images it may well be that it's bright enough, or that the colours are varied enough, for the signal to make the noise irrelevant.  Where the crossover is may be difficult to pinpoint.  For example, a full disc lunar image can appear quite bright but still benefits enormously from stacking.

Actually I'm not sure how well either AS!2 or Registax would do if you fed them a sequence of "normal" images.  They may be too biased towards astro use to work well.  There's only one way to find out there :)


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I'm not sure how well Registax would cope, but certainly some of the examples on the AutoStakkert!2 website relate to stacking multiple existing "normal" images to reduce the noise so that sharpening can be used to bring out detail that is not readily apparent in a single frame.  For example, stacking images where some text is indistinct in order to make out what it says.

Of course if you were planning to take photographs and wanted such detail to be clear you'd make sure of that when the images were created.

The reason for stacking in astro-imaging is to reduce the noise in the image to the point where transforms can be applied to enhance the detail.  In astro images noise may be a significant part of the data in a single image.  In "normal" daytime images it may well be that it's bright enough, or that the colours are varied enough, for the signal to make the noise irrelevant.  Where the crossover is may be difficult to pinpoint.  For example, a full disc lunar image can appear quite bright but still benefits enormously from stacking.

Actually I'm not sure how well either AS!2 or Registax would do if you fed them a sequence of "normal" images.  They may be too biased towards astro use to work well.  There's only one way to find out there :)


I think this is why i had some sucess with old vhs footage if you examined each frame they were all different in noise and distribution of good focus i managed to get enough frames with no movement of my kids at a wedding to produce a nice sharp image.


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I think this is why i had some sucess with old vhs footage if you examined each frame they were all different in noise and distribution of good focus i managed to get enough frames with no movement of my kids at a wedding to produce a nice sharp image.


Quite.  I'm trying to get my parents to dig out some VHS tapes that were made from cine films taken during my childhood in the 70s.  There are family members, pets etc. that we have no other photos of in some of those, so if I can get them digitised then I may well be having a try myself.


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