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How to illuminate a reticule?

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This is the one I made. It's just a piece of Homebase 32mm waste pipe (which happens to be a good fit in the polarscope aperture on the front of the mount), with a hole in it to accept an old red pen cap, with a cheap led tealight borrowed from my wife in the other end.mI played around with the depth of the pen cap in the hole to get the best reticule lighting without drowning out Polaris and glued the parts together. post-31627-0-19871000-1390740161_thumb.j

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not a problem! 

I have found some old black piping in the garage that fits my hole - I guess I need to put something reflective inside then...

That should work you might find that aluminium baking foil will do to scatter the light.


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so its safe to say, its the reflected light around the tube that illuminates, not the direct light from the LED.

I have rummaged around my wifes "woman draw" and I have got my tealight of sorts - its small glass bird that changes colour from an LED - just need to ditch the bird and change the LED to a single colour one!

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Here's my effort - thanks to all the good ideas from you guys. 


Bit of old hoover pipe (great because it tapers around 35mm)

Old tea light/toy with flashing LED

New LED that doesn't flash

Some silvery sticky tape

Lets hope it works....

Polar scope Reticule illuminator

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The Homebase 32mm waste pipe fits well and is white, which works well to diffuse the light. My "tealight" is rgb, but the red pen cap serves as a filter so only red light reaches the reticule. This means that the polarscope view is alternating red and unlit but I don't find this a problem. I was careful to drill a hole in the waste pipe to make the pen cap a push fit, which allowed me to try different positions to get the best compromise between reticule lighting and visibility of Polaris.

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