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Twin Tak version 3 under way...

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Heh heh, this is taking a while to sort out! At last we have, we think, a mount and a set of mounting hardware that can do the business. To align one scope to the other Yves, bless him, found us a second hand Cassady guide scope carrier. They are out of production and pretty rare so this was a bit of luck. We tried an ADM but it wasn't up to a  Tak106, which is a meaty scope. The Cassady device rocks on two large ballbearings and really can carry a big scope. We know from experience that it can carry a 7 inch Russian Mak.

Then we needed a mount and were on the point of ordering a new Mesu when Yves (bless him again) offered to sell us one of the two Mesus he has here, so this was a no brainer. We snapped it up. This is one of the originals with the Argo Navis control and I've been using it for two years without a hiccough so it should be fine.

So here we are all bolted together, but some careful cabling will be needed. Rather than being clever we're just going to run two computers since we have them anyway.


Let's hope it's third time lucky for this lot!


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Looking forward to first light from the new rig Olly. One question, are you going to use one for one channel and the other for another channel, or are you using them to double your exposure time for one channel?

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Looking forward to first light from the new rig Olly. One question, are you going to use one for one channel and the other for another channel, or are you using them to double your exposure time for one channel?

To be decided. Running both in LRGB has the advantage of reducing noise. Both stacks have different residual noise so this partially cancels out when you combine cameras. But it takes longer to reduce and at busy times this does rather matter! Ha is easier to answer; we only have one of the thousand dollar Astrodon filters...

Whats the weight i see a lot of metal not to mention all the unseen glass?

We think we are around 35kg as it stands. It would be possible physically, if not financially as yet, to add a third OTA.


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To be decided. Running both in LRGB has the advantage of reducing noise. Both stacks have different residual noise so this partially cancels out when you combine cameras. But it takes longer to reduce and at busy times this does rather matter! Ha is easier to answer; we only have one of the thousand dollar Astrodon filters...

Or maybe you can get them synched up and do some short-baseline interferometry :grin:


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Breeze blocks look a bit damp?

Yes. I haven't rendered all the way round this observatory yet. The damp sides are north and west, which I have done, but in the last couple of weeks the rainfall has been enormous with flooding in the valleys and the other two sides have become a bit damp. A job for the warmer weather! Indeed it has been so wet that there are some tiny streams nearby that are now torrents so full that I've been seriously tempted to try kayaking down them.  Trouble is that they are so narrow that if you jammed the boat across both banks you could snap it in half.

Very odd weather but the sky has been great for the last two nights.


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