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Latest attempt at Mars


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Yet another one of those frustrating evenings - clear as a bell but windy as hell (it rhymes)

This is the first of a series of Mars shots taken with the Toucam and 4 x ImageAmplifer, ATIK IR Filter and Europa 250mm F4.8 Newtonian. Got a few more to process as yet. Quite pleased with the colour this time around but still can't quite nail a really good focus.

I only wish my new Crayford focuser would arrive in time but I fear it will be too late for Mars.

Click on the picture to make it bigger.


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Geoff No mistaking what it is. and you have obviously tried very hard to get the best capture you can from your toucam and fairly fast scope I am no expert at all on imaging am I correct in thinking the fact the images look just a bit mishaped is because of the strong wind influence?

you are seeing a lot of details in the images so perhaps someone else with knowledge can comment better than me. Still its a fine effort better than I produce mate :D

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Thanks for the kind words. You are right. The amount of movement across the screen was alarming at times but nothing could be done about it. A large reflector with an open tube is going to be more susceptible I guess.

Another factor may be that I imported the final BMP files into Powerpoint and re-sized them dynamically.

Anyway, I have now processed all the AVIs and this is the final result. The AVIs cover a period of about 30 - 40 minutes from 10.35 onwards.


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Those people who have the misfortune to know me will know that I am a fairly easy-going person.

Like many folks on this and other forums I do the best I can with what I have and often in quite adverse conditions. Seeing is often poor in my neck of the woods and recently the few good nights have been ruined by windy conditions.

I would love to improve the kit I have but I no longer work full-time and money is limited for luxuries like astronomy.

I am speechless in my admiration of what some people are able to achieve and hope one day to get somewhere near that sort of standard.

For now, the fact that I can take a picture of anything is pretty amazing to me and enhances my enjoyment of this wonderful hobby.

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It took me 5 months to start nailing the focus (but that’s another story,all about a hair and a screw)

So this time round I missed the opportunity with Mars and am waiting to have a bash at Saturn

Have you tried Saturn yet?


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Getting a good planetary image Geoff, is no easy matter, as its just so dependant on the 'seeing', which is a bit of a rarity in this country.

High frame capture rates, give a far better chance of capturing those very brief moments during which the 'seeing' steadies, which is why people using the 60 fps capable Skynix 2.0, and DMK cameras achieve better results more consistently. Even then, it likely that 80-90% of the captured frames will be discarded.

Realistically, with web-cams, we are 'pushing it' at 10 fps, before compression 'kicks in', and degrades the image.

Taking all that into account, you should consider that your results are pretty good, and be encouraged by them, certainly not discouraged.


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What Dave says is correct.

I would just emphasise that, from my experience, seeing really is the dominant factor. I do see many good images taken with Toucams and other "compressive" webcams, very close to the quality of those from "uncompressive" cameras. The differences between the cameras are not that great. I have tested them all, Toucam, ATK, DMK, Lumenera, using the same telescopes and in the same conditions so far as possible. I concluded, as a qualitative estimate, the DMK to be about 15% better than the Toucam/ATK/NexImage, and the SkyNYX to be about 15% better than that.

Technical comments in relation to what Dave says: I capture Mars with the SkyNYX at 30fps, and I only discard about 50% of the frames.


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I capture Mars with the SkyNYX at 30fps, and I only discard about 50% of the frames.


That's encouraging David, as a DMK is on my 'shopping list'. Being a DSO enthusiast, I don't do enough planetary imging to justify the cost of the Skynix.


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For now, the fact that I can take a picture of anything is pretty amazing to me and enhances my enjoyment of this wonderful hobby.

Well Geoff I think those images are pretty amazing which ever way they are orientated.

I'm a bit North of you in S.Glos. and it sounds like we have been having the same weather conditions,only mine have been worse of course! :D I'm only an occassional imager but can understand the frustration weather conditions cause and admire your perseverance which to my eye anyway has been fruitful. I've only had the opportunity of a couple of tries at Mars so far this year and the results have been nowhere near as good.

I don't know if you have tried combining your images in PS but if not give it a go. I spent a pleasent lunch hour today doing just that. The permutations are are almost limitless and can produce some interesting,not to say,outlandish,results.

Layers of all the images in your second line up (bar number 4 ) were overlayed in all different orders and played with using the opacity and saturation tools.

Here's one of the more reasonable results.

Cheers and keep at it. :D


(click as usual)

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Really like what you've done. My skills in PS are not great so your efforts are much appreciated.

The kind words are also very welcome. Mars is a frustrating target at the best of times.

For some inexplicable reason, one of the earlier comments just annoyed me. I am usually fairly thick-skinned so I was surprised at myself.

I obviously need to stop taking things too seriously and get out more!

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Probably does one good to let of a little steam now and again. It's the weather you know. :D

Having seen starmans latest images I took a teabreak and added a blue cooling filter to the combi image.

Any better?

Look forward to some Saturn images to play with! :D



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