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Orion SkyQuest XT8 vs SkyWatcher Skyliner-200p

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Hello, I'm thinking of getting a 200mm telescope, I've looked online and both of the telescopes (from the title) seem to be roughly the same priced and size. I was wondering which one you would get and more importantly why. As far as I know both have their issues, but which is better

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strange really , the skywatcher skyliner  series are all over the forums, always talked about and reviewed and recommended. but you don't hear no where near as much regarding the orion version.

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The Orion (USA) dobsonians (and a number of their others ranges) are made by Synta who also make Skywatcher scopes. I believe that they share many components including the optics and mirror cells. Orion stuff always seems to be priced higher in the UK than the Skywatcher equivalents. They are perfectly nice scopes though and the Intelliscope "push to" system is rather good and that feature is unique to the Orion versions of these scopes.   

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