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Moon shot from last night


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Well, no end of Moon shots on here I'm sure, but here is one taken last night through my 200mm F5 GSO.


I was wondering actually.

Should I

1. take a number of shots and stack? the above is a single shot

2. use any filters to reduce glare etc? 

3. use a coma corrector to correct the image, or is this strictly for stars only?

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thanks, ok I'll try stacking 10 or 20 next time and see if that sharpens things up.

Also, it it possible when (on HEQ5) I asked it to 'Goto the Moon' the Moon stayed central, when I went back to DSO Messiers it was then out of wack. Maybe I knocked it, but it was find going to various DSOs until I pointed it at the Moon. Could it be that that makes the mount  automatically track at lunar rather than sidereal rates and then go out of track with the sidereal day?

Probably not I guess, I must surely have knocked it, right?

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