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Since I acquired my scope, it's been almost non stop cloud at my location. So I was excited on my way back from work to see a completely cloudless sky. The bright moon prevented me from looking at any fuzzies so I had a quick check on Stellarium to see Saturns position. Yes! By 10pm it would be high enough in the sky (plus I live on a hill with a nice escarpement allowing me to see 'below the horizon').

So after filling my boots nosing around the moon, I set the telescope up in top of my garage (garden faces north sadly and I have a nice flat roofed garage with easy access) and pointed it in the direction of a bright point of light 20 degrees or so above my Southern horizon.

With the low power EP, I could make out the rings but nothing else. Switching to high power, I was amazed (understatement) at the quality of the view considering the LP and the low position.

Got a few funny looks from people walking down the road when they saw me on top of my garage though! :D

Venus was in a nice position this morning - must set alarm a bit earlier though if I wasnt to observe!

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I'm looking forward to seeing Saturn again this year. I understand from reports and Images that the rings are really closing up now...

I never thought about observing on the garage roof :D Might need to strengthen it a little - but thata doable!

Venus is closing up with the sun really quick now, there should be nice phase showing by now - but if you want to veiw Venus, I suggest you don't leave it too long...


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...I'm looking forward to seeing Saturn again this year. I understand from reports and Images that the rings are really closing up now...

Yep - I viewed Saturn yesterday evening and it's quite difficult to see the Cassini division with the rings at this angle. The plus though is that banding on the planet is a little easlier to pick out :D


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I thought the ring cycle takes a total of 11yrs, since max' tilt was only last yr or so, would the rings really be closing rapidly and so noticeably ? I ask just in case I'm missing the boat.


My understanding is that the rings were fully open with the south side presented to our view in 2002 and are now "closing" to be edge-on to us in 2009. The north side of the rings is at maximum tilt toward us in 2016, then edge-on in 2025.

So it looks like a 14 year period between the best views of the rings.


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