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Some lunar shots


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It was a bit of a steep learning curve to re-remember how to do moon imaging so these shots are a bit ordinary, though today I have fixed my motor focuser so hopefully it's clear tonight so I can shoot some more.

The first one is Archimedes


This one is Albategnius


and these three are Walther, Regiomontanus and Purbach


They were all shot with a Philips SPC900NC through a Skywatcher 250px on an EQ6.


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Hi nice work focus looks a bit soft ,my images are the same from last nice the moon had a terrible boil


Yeah the focus is pretty rough. I found the reason yesterday when I was fixing the motor focuser. The collimation was pretty bad, so I gave that a bit of a tweak and eagerly awaited night to fall which coincided with a layer of cloud sailing in. Well the forecast is good for tonight so hopefully I'll get some better images tonight. :)

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