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Qhy5-11 incoming


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I am thinking of getting one of these.

Not sure whether to get the mono or colour.... any thoughts?

I had a similar decision to make and the choice between 'Sensitivity or Colour' was worrying. However, I found the colour version is still excellent for guiding and I've never failed to get a selection of guidestars in whatever field my guidescope (usually a Pronto 70mm) happened to be pointed at. I never have to search for guidestars so have not actually adjusted my AZ guidscope mount since using the QHY5-II. The advantage of course is the colour planetary imaging capabilities compared to the mono version. So I can recommend you get the colour version and go ahead and take lots of video of Jupiter right now into the bargain :).


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I would be interested to hear how you get on with guiding.... how easy to find suitable guide star etc..

If it does that okay, I would go for the colour camera.

I've got the mono version mainly because I haven't used it for planetary imaging. I use it in a 9X50 finder scope and have never not found a star to guide on. I've not used any other camera but from my experience with this camera (qhy5-II) I'd have no hesitation in recommending it :D

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