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He's at it again


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Conspiracy fanatic, aka Dad, has found something new: http://www.rense.com/general79/wdx1.htm

Don't know what to make of this, except: how the heck does he track satellites THAT well?!? How does he get a dish to track it too?!? and finally how does he get NOISE from a satellite?!?

It says at the top that these are all to the same scale (words to a similar effect) - hang on! Surely we would see them much brighter than the ISS naked eye if they were there!! We do - iridium flares - much brighter, but they wouldn't look like that.

I think this guy is MAKING the conspiracy... And you?


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Quite an interesting page :D What they are I dont know, I have wondered if they are just militery jets etc that he has captured?

The amazing thing to me is his tracking! And also how does he find them? I am sure if these things were above us others would have seen and imaged them before.

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Interesting though I wonder why no one else has seen evidence, after all the ISS certainly makes itself known! - I don't buy the low flying harassing helicopters either - with congested airspace and his likely proximity to a base or training area those scenes would be quite common. Though I am left wondering what the images are.


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Andrew, Perhaps your dad has something like this.

Dave, the guy in the picture built his own satellite tracking system, and was able to decode signals from them

and build the images of the weather systems around the pass areas of the sats.

The large cable overhead, leads outside to a dish aerial. David was an electronics wizz kid

He had also built his own Fluxgate Magnetometer, which was attached to a pen recorder.

That device would give him advance warning of impending Aurora.

His system is part of the UK BAA Aurora network.

Ron. :D


(click to enlarge)

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Ron, I think you misunderstood me. My Dad just trawls through various websites looking for conspiracies to research. This website is just one of the ones he brought to my attention.

What this guy could be suggesting is that these "iridium flare" satellites that we see are in fact a bit more complicated than that if you actually bother to look at them...


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Ron, I think you misunderstood me. My Dad just trawls through various websites looking for conspiracies to research. This website is just one of the ones he brought to my attention.

What this guy could be suggesting is that these "iridium flare" satellites that we see are in fact a bit more complicated than that if you actually bother to look at them...


Oops!, :oops:
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I use this to track mine its top secret so don't go spreading it about :D

You would get that accepted by the Tate Modern as an exhibit Martyn.

Looks very fetching. Without giving too much away. Does it fetch? :rolleyes:

Ron. :rolleyes:

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Conspiracy fanatic, aka Dad, has found something new: http://www.rense.com/general79/wdx1.htm

Don't know what to make of this, except: how the heck does he track satellites THAT well?!? How does he get a dish to track it too?!? and finally how does he get NOISE from a satellite?!?

It says at the top that these are all to the same scale (words to a similar effect) - hang on! Surely we would see them much brighter than the ISS naked eye if they were there!! We do - iridium flares - much brighter, but they wouldn't look like that.

I think this guy is MAKING the conspiracy... And you?


Regan's star wars project is still hotly debated, as to what and if anything was made from that project. There are plenty of military sats that we do not know about, and plenty of private company's with ties to dubious corporations. The black budgets of country's like the USA go into the billions. These are closed access projects which the public does not know (and can not), what the funding is spent on.

I doubt the military would really make the sats so reflective that any old joe could see them. But you never know.

As for the harassment, the technology exits to monitor an individual very easily, without wasting aircraft fuel, and operational time. But if you ask me is there lots of equipment up there we dont know about - absolutely yes.

Dont be so hard on your dad. Conspiracy just means two or more people acting together for the purposes of hidden agendas (normally political these days). Certainly in world politics there are plenty of conspiracy's.


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