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Sun in white light 23rd Dec 2013


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Having smuggled my small white light kit on hols, Mrs DrRobin now knows and providing it doesn't interfere with her brekkie or days out she pretends not to be too annoyed, so I have a sort of 'green light' to try and get a few images of the sun in white light.

I might however, have made a few mistakes, I brought my ST-80, Lunt wedge and DMK41 (so far so good) but then mounted it on a small manual/photographic tripod (it isn't big enough) with no motor drive (it doesn't track) and to top it all, to save weight brought my old lap top which just isn't fast enough to stack more than about 3 frames without going out for dinner, coming back and still waiting for it to finish. Oh and I can't see the screen either to focus.

Hence a capture taken at 09:00 (4 hours behind GMT) is only just stacked now (21:41 local time) 12 hours later. 

Still it came out nice, this is 25% of 570 frames, unguided (the sun just drifts through) from our balcony.  I am pretty chuffed with the result.



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Thanks guys. We don't have 50 mph winds, but it is torrential rain at the moment with the odd thunder roll thrown in for good measure, so no chance of a capture this morning and we are on a trip early tomorrow so no chance then either. It is warm though (sorry Alexandra) and I keep looking at my weather station & webcam back home to make sure all is okay, which it is. Ironically it appears to be clear at home just now.

Hopeful of a few more captures and I am sure you will be getting some clear spells to coincide with the holidays, once this depression has blown through, 936mb, is that some type of record?


Just seen a big flash of lightning, next the power will be going off....

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Best put the winter tyres on your tripod if you are trying solar then Stephen. 26C here so no chance of snow for Christmas day, but almost complete cloud cover as well so no solar either.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas and Santa brings you lots of new solar/telescope goodies.


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