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Jupiter & Io 22/11/13 Using a C80ED


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I was out at the dark site doing some DSO imaging which turned out to be a bit of a disaster again due to weird diffraction spikes on the stars, more about that on another thread. Anyhow as it was quite blustery I only had the C80ED set up so I thought I'd have a go at Jupiter again as my earlier attempts this season haven't turned out at all well. I first did a few using a 3X Barlow but as it was so tiny I upped the mag using my 5X Barlow & I don't think it turned out to bad.

3X Barlow image;


I'm not sure why Io turned out so orange!!

5X Barlow image;



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These images I used the QHY5L-II although I did fancy having a go with the Philips SPC but I got clouded out in the end, I know there's no such thing as a good all round scope but the ED80's come pretty close as regards imaging.


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Did you use the GRBG bayer option?

Sorry I don't know what the GRBG option is, I just EZP the software the camera came with & select the GR option (Whatever that is) I have tried Firecapture once but it was only recording in mono so I need to mess around with that a bit more.

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Yep I use EZ planetary and GR but assuming you stacked in AS!2 did you choose GRBG or auto detect on the colour option?

Ah got ya now, I used Registax to stack these as I seem to get on with it better than AS!2, I have tried AS!2 a few times but I've never found any improvement in the final image.

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