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Jupiter GRS & Io


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Seeing much better last night , but unfortunately some gaps between images due to cloud

8"SCT DMK 21 x2.5 powermate

1200 frames each of RG&B

ran through PIPP at 90% then into AS2 and stacked best 95%

Registax for wavelets then PS


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Yep good effort but some issues with processing, is the black point adjusted quite a lot?. How are you combining the R,G and B? Looks like your AVIs are ~40 secs each, assuming 30fps frame rate. I would be tempted to go for ~2mins each at that focal length, assuming you can do a filter change in less than 60secs.

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you are correct about the paint bucket tool!

not touched the black point

avi's are 60 secs long as I'm getting 20fps

I have not tried anything above that, will give it a try next time

running through PIPP then stacked in AS2 then combined in PS


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It was obvious the paint bucket done it bro ;).....you can just adjust the black point because the first "hump" in the levels histo display usually reflects the background values: one reason why whenever I make any adjustments to an image during processing it is on the selected disk to give me a true indication of the values etc I see/manipulate during the various processing applications - and also you can use it in the following way here:

But paint buckets are notorious Steve - great for colouring a blank canvass (New Layer) before selecting the disk from a previous layer and "edit>paste" into this new black layer but using that tool to make the background around an existing planet layer/image darker inevitably creates the situation you encountered...it can be done but you are much better using the black point adjustment or if that doesn't get what you want use "Quick Selection" tool after you have enlarged your background (ie "Image>canvass size")

You need to make the canvass bigger this way and fill the newer, larger canvass surrounds with the same colour that is pre-existing around the planet - it's ok to use the paint bucket for that after sampling said pre-existing background with the eye-dropper tool 'cos you're not messing with the planet's edges like what happened above! :)

If you don't make a larger filled canvass when you use the Quick Selection tool next it will quite likely just grab the outside rectangular border of the whole image...

Set the QS tool after choosing it with a diameter somewhat smaller or larger than the planet...(value of QS is at top of PS)

You'll see that this value is highlighted in that top display and if you then move the circle it has displayed over the top of the planet you can use the up or down arrow keys of your keyboard to adjust it until it is slightly smaller than the disk - click your mouse at this point and you'll likely grab the disk beautifully! :)

If it doesn't quite do so you then move the circle that the QS tool displays so that the outside edge of this QS circle is just touching the inside edge of the already selected circle you've just made (ie, the dotted flashing one) right where that tiny bit of the planet isn't grabbed perfectly...another click should do it!!!

First use "Select>modify>expand" to a value of 1 pixel to cause the selected circle to encompass a minuscule more than the planet and then it's "Select>inverse" and just drop the levels right down which will darken your background right up nice..! :)

There's a million ways to skin this cat but they're a couple...

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