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House Of Optics - serial number

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I have an Intes Micro with a House Of Optics serial number of 001700.

I would like to date this OTA and have asked HOO twice for a little info but got no reply :huh:

Does anyone have an OTA with a HOO serial number close to mine and if so when was it supplied ??

Thanks in advance.


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Hi David, Jules :smiley:

I've owned two Intes Maks, both M603 150mm F10's and I really liked them. Neither of them had any kind of serial number on them, to my surprise.

The product ID plate on the back of the scope simply says "MAKSUTOV CASSEGRAIN 6" F10 Made in Russia".

These were imported by House of Optics in Norfolk in the late 90's and early 2000's, and they supplied Widescreen Centre in London who still apparently sell them. 

I'm intrigued that you have a House of Optics serial number...what model scope is it you have?

I have the name of the business owner somewhere, he is a bit hard to track down sometimes but I know he has some stocks (that have been in storage for some years) not only of Intes Maks but also some Ylena Maks - his own brand of LOMO Russian scopes - F14 planet killers!



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Hello Dave,

Thanks for the info.

My scope is an Intes Micro Mak-Cas,  the plate on the back of the scope says Alter-M715, Made in Russia with a HOO blue sticker and a serial number of 001700 above the plate.

I would guess it's around 20 years old - but it would be nice to get an accurate date. It's a very good scope - easily matching my Takahashi FS-128 refractor.

It would be nice to chat to the HOO business owner - would you PM me his details please ?



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