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My first pictures


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I am a newbie and I just started using the telescope a couple of weeks ago (although most of the days were cloudy). Since yesterday was the first clear night after a week, I wanted to try to take pictures through the telescope. The first time I tied I got a picture of the Moon that looked like the Sun (with filter:). Since I don't have a filter yet, I decided to make one from a piece of film. The pictures are not great but they were my firsts he so I was really happy that they didn't look like the Sun anymore:) . I took them with my Cannon digital camera on a 20mm eyepiece. I tried to frame the Moon but it was hard (and cold) but I guess with an eyepiece with a  wider field of view this would be easier to do? I wanted to take more pictures tonight but it is really cloudy :( .   



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Well a cracking start. I luke the second one, as it looks sharper to me.

Is it a dalr camera you are screwing onto an eye piece, or a camera you are just holding over the eye piece?

Cloud is one of the many irritations in this hobby :)


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That's a good start! You can clearly see Copernicus and Tyco and their ejecta rays, all the Mare and Sinus Iridum. Well done.

You do realise that you will have many more cloudy nights now that you have got your scope don't you? :wink:  They never include that in the manuals: Once you have bought your scope the weather will take an immediate and catastrophic turn for the worse. Except for the nights when you are busy in which case it will be the clearest night for months! :grin:

Keep up the good work.

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Well a cracking start. I luke the second one, as it looks sharper to me.

Is it a dalr camera you are screwing onto an eye piece, or a camera you are just holding over the eye piece?

Cloud is one of the many irritations in this hobby :)


I have a Canon shoot and point camera and I was holding it against the eyepiece with my little homemade filter in between on a cold night :)  I am trying to get more eyepieces and a moon filter so I hope my next pictures are better :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Entropia,

Thank you. You guys are very encouraging :). I will try again whenever the weather collaborates. I also took a picture of Jupiter but it was a bright little ball with a speck of light next to it (I was ashamed to put it here :)

If you use the optical zoom in the camera this will reduce the brightness and the image will be bigger too. Course the field of view will be smaller and it will be frustrating preventing shaking and trying to keep everything in view so you will need to use movie mode in your camera then use registax to align and stack your images. An a-focal adapter will also help with keeping things steady and free up your hands to adjust tracking.

All the best


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Hi Entropia,

If you use the optical zoom in the camera this will reduce the brightness and the image will be bigger too. Course the field of view will be smaller and it will be frustrating preventing shaking and trying to keep everything in view so you will need to use movie mode in your camera then use registax to align and stack your images. An a-focal adapter will also help with keeping things steady and free up your hands to adjust tracking.

All the best


Or maybe I need a new telescope and a dslr camera :) I will try with the movie mode but I still have to learn how to use Registax. 

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Hi Entropia,

Well a whole AP setup is quite an investment really, a-focal isnt hopeless though and is a cheap introduction to planetary AP without the price tag :)

Take a look at this tutorial : http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/120643-afocal-astrophotography-tutorial/

This is the one that got me started.

All of the software im using is 100% free:

mpeg streamclip : convert mov files to avi http://www.squared5.com/

gimp: image processing http://www.gimp.org/

registax: stacking, aligning, wavelets: http://www.astronomie.be/registax/

pipp: making muliple tiff files from an avi https://sites.google.com/site/astropipp/

Ive been playing around with afocal for about 6 weeks and its a lot of fun, especially processing your movies. Something to do when its cloudy outside :)

Here is one of my recent images, its not exactly a world class image but i dont think its terrible either, maybe a little low on detail though :) 

Anyways good luck with registax, hope you have fun!


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