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How to combine images to prevent core 'burn out'

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Having processed and stacked RAW shot's of the Orion Nebula. I have one final image showing loads of detail of the outer part's of the nebula but a burnt out core. I have another which shows the detail in the trapezium etc quite well but obviously less detail elsewhere due to quicker exposure times etc...

How would I go about combining the two to show the core along with the outer detail ? (I have Paintshop Pro). I have tried adding a duplicate layer, setting the opacy to 50% and cutting and pasting a feathered part of the core but when the layers are combined you can clearly see an edge to the pasted section ... looks horrible.

Any help would be great.


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Original Image


Original with short core exposure combined


I need to get more practise in with playing with the mask. It's more tricky with Paintshop pro as the mask is invisible on screen most of the time. I've managed to burn out the bright stars to the left a bit, not sure how I did that.


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Hi Kev... I did my successul combine by interpreting your guide and using Paintshop Pro 8. However, I installed Photoshop CS3 to have a go with that and having probs enabling the gaussian Blur filter on the layer mask. The filters are all greyed out unless I use the 'convert for smart filters' option. But doing this messes up the layers (the mask seems to dissappear). Which version of Photoshop does your guide refer to ?


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