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Canon EOS400 DSLR


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Hi Guys

I need some advice,

In our local newspaper there is a Canon EOS400 Digital SLR for sale (1 year old - immaculate condition)


Is this a reasonable price and how useful would this be for astro photography if used with a C8N newtonian?



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Not certain here, but I think you would need to have it modified, and the cost is about £150 £200.

Don't take my word for that though, I am just making you pause while a more experienced member advised you.

Ron. :D

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Although its response to the red Hydrogen Alpha light is diminished by the factory fitted IR filter it can still take some very good pictures without being modified. There are quite a few objects that can be taken without the need to mod the camera. Eventually you will need to modify it in order to image some emision nebulae such as the Rosette, California Nebula etc.

The asking price is vey good since a new camera is around £400-450 for the camera body only. The camera can take good astro photos with either a lens fitted or at prime focus when attached to a scope. With the camera being that good a price it may not be too much to stretch to getting it modded and ending up with a very good set up for <£450.

Take a look at images shown in the imaging section to see some good examples of what can be achieved.



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I use an unmodded 400D and I have to say it's a fantastic camera for semi-widefield DSO work or widefield piggyback photography. Obviously for H-Alpha targets a mod would be very handy. Virtually all of my DSO pictures on my website were taken with the 400D attached to my f8 120mm refractor. The latest two images were taken through my 10" 250px.

DSO Image gallery


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