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What are my options?

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I love my scope, I just don't love lugging it around to the back of the house (its an Orion 10" goto) and I was wondering if there were some way I could store it in the back yard, without worrying that during the summer the 100 degree heat would melt the mirror or the coating? I tried the basement, but critters can get to the scope, so are there any other options out there for me? I don't have a massive budget, so a 10,000$ something or other would be out of the question.

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Have a look in the DIY section on this site. There are some very good ideas on budget obsy's and storage.

The heat would not damage the mirror or coating but it would make it take longer to aclimatise. You could always have ventialtion mesh which could be shut off in winter to keep the storage warmer.

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