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Chilly but happy


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Clear but cold tonight. Got home from work and got bundled up and took the scope out to the back yard. Had some problems getting the finder scope aligned and took longer than I would have liked. It cut in on my observing time. 

Jupiter was calling and I spent a good half hour viewing her. Used a 9mm and a 2x barlow. Fairly good view. Bands were pretty pronounced tonight I thought.

Switched back down to a 25mm and spent another 10 min just wandering the sky. Amazing how even though a patch of sky appears dark to the naked eye how many stars you can see when you bump up the magnification. 

By now it was almost 415 and warmth and beer was sounding good. But before I headed in i decided on one more target.

Picked up the handheld and selected M42. It was a very short slew over and there it was. 

It was fairly faint but it was there. Being in my backyard with a few street lights it wasn't the best viewing conditions but it was there. My first nebula. An easy one but my first. Orion has always been my favorite constellation and now I was seeing it in a way I never have before. 

If it wasn't for numb fingers and toes I would still be out there looking at it. I'm hooked  :laugh:

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Yea it is a bit nippy but you sort of get used to it. Normally it's not that cold this early in the winter. Usually we get our coldest stretches in late January and February. It's not unheard of for temps to dip to -20f. Deer hunting season just started so half of the state is out and about in the cold lol.

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Yea it is a bit nippy but you sort of get used to it. Normally it's not that cold this early in the winter. Usually we get our coldest stretches in late January and February. It's not unheard of for temps to dip to -20f. Deer hunting season just started so half of the state is out and about in the cold lol.

I feel as long as it's not windy freezing temps are ok lol

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