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What's the difference between UHC and CLS?

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A bit of confusion here...in my eyes they seem the same, but stand corrected.

UHC and CLS filters, what's the difference?

Also, what's the difference between the two above and ''Contrast Boost" filters? Doesn't the UHC for example boost contrast by darkening the sky and so on...?

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CLS has wider transmission bands than UHC, so less selective and will pass more light through.

I don't know much about "contrast boost" filters, but seem to be mainly aimed to counteract chromatic aberration - a fancier minus-v filter. Seems to be mainly aimed at planetary observing.


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The cls works nicely for mw as a light pollution filter for imaging. I've not used a UHS filt er. The contrast booster does what it says plus dies a good job at removing chromatic aberration, albeit by making the view yellow.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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