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It arrived!


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My first scope arrived this afternoon. The initial set up was a breeze. Had to keep going back in the manual to see if I was missing a step as it went so smooth I was sure I was missing something. I felt a little let down though as I have to work 3rd shift this week and I have to be in at 10 pm. Not much time for star gazing. It was about 5 pm when I got it all assembled and I looked out the window and saw that the moon was already up. So I took it out on the sidewalk and popped in the 25mm lens and lined her up. I was amazed at what I saw for that early in the evening. Looked like I could almost reach out and touch it. Now the only problem is not knowing when I will get a chance to get out into the dark and really get a chance to play with it. The anticipation is excruciating!

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Congrats on the new scope.

There is nothing that compares with the unboxing and set up of a new piece of equipment.

I try and experience it as much as I can! *L*

Hope you don't have to wait too long for your first light.



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Congrats on the new scope - it sounds like you enjoyed the night :).

There are plenty of times we don't get to use our gear for whatever reason (work, family, weather), don't worry about it. The stars will still be there next time you can observe ;).

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Excellent I am very pleased for you, it truly is a fantastic hobby :smiley:

In the UK we are not blessed with cloud free skies very often and as a result we are used to waiting for our next chance,  so I can relate to your work time predicament :smiley:

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