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Registax nightmare.


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Running your images through PIPP should centre the object, crop around it while throwing away any frames where it is not completely in the frame.  After that there should be no difference between using a tracking and non-tracking mount as the image will be dead centre in all frames.



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Running your images through PIPP should centre the object, crop around it while throwing away any frames where it is not completely in the frame.  After that there should be no difference between using a tracking and non-tracking mount as the image will be dead centre in all frames.



I used PIPP as well....seems to work.

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Ok thank you, in at my wits end!!! Admittedly all 4 pics have the moon in a different place because it was drifting through the view finder as my scope doesn't track but, every picture has the whole moon in the viewfinder so that shouldn't be a problem should it?? I'll pm you the images about 4.30pm thank you for the help :D

No worries. My Synscan handset is dead so I should have plenty of time to have a crack at them tonight.

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Right now I have cropped my images in pipp and saved them as tif, when I open them in registax 6 the screen is just white. If I open them in registax 5 I get as far as the 'optimise and stack' prosess then a warning flashes up, Access violation at address 0061A8D5 in module Registax5.exe read of address 00000000002. I click ok and then nothing, the mouse pointer turns into the blue circle and that's it. absolutely fed up of this utter rubbish. :mad:  :mad: :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  

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Update. I've now cropped these pics in pipp and they all look pretty much the same when viewed. I can now load them into registax 6. I have tried stacking the 4 frames with the most alignment points the programme will let me use but the end result looks blurry. SHES GONNI BLOW CAPTAIN, SHE CANNE TAKE NO MORE!!!

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Firstly dump Reg 6 and go to Reg 5.1 ...  :p

I just threw them through 5.1 as best I could considering the very small files , when the Optimise function does it's bit I can see the wobble caused by the rotation that occurs when shooting through a non tracking mount , this could be minimised by capturing frames more quickly so as to catch some that are not on opposite sides of the FOV.

Without going to the expense of a Planetary camera or Webcam you could try downloading "EOSMovieRec" ... ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/eos-movrec/ )

Assuming you're using a Canon camera it allows you to capture the Liveview stream as a video at up to 16-20 fps ( bit random but there ) This will allow you to catch a lot of frames in short bursts ( I use it quite successfully for my Solar close-ups when time is of the essence and there's no time to swap cameras about.

You can zoom in with a 5 x crop mode too which is handy and works pretty well , although with a dob it'd be a challenge in itself to keep things in view ... 

In conclusion I would say Reg 5 , Don't use frames that are too far apart time-wise and Manual stack . . .  :smiley:

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That makes perfect sense steve. I was just cycling through the 4 pics after I cropped them and the moon appears to 'twist' so I could either have the top or bottom of the pic in focus.

Yes I'm using a 700d so will try the video next time. What does the video file need converting into to be able to load into registax?

I also have a video camera that films in 1920 1080 50fps so might give digiscoping a go with that.

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You can either use the video straight from EOSMovieRec into Reg 6 or put it through PIPP for Reg 5.

Despite my advice above I use Reg 6 for the close-up videos I shoot as it's very quick ...  :rolleyes:

The output from the 700D video mode should go through PIPP too , the output from the 1100D does as far as I recall ...but I found that EOSMovieRec does a better job , and if the 700D's like the 1100D you can't stream the video straight onto the laptop HDD but you have to record it onto a fast SD card and then download it from there which is a real pain  ,  with EOSMovieRec you can be processing one video while you're shooting the next.

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Ive got a video clip I took the other night. I've just ran it through pip and converted into Tif. Now I'm getting the problem again where It shows as a white screen in stax6, and it loads ok into 5 but I get as far as the optimize and stack prosess and that warning comes up again????

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Yes it does ... ! When you open the "Select" box there's a window at the bottom , click to open it and there are multiple options of file types , AVI's aer in the top selection.


Right done that, when I ty and open it it comes up 'registax free has stopped working' and the programme closes. Im of now to smash my entire house up.

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Well that's not going to help now is it ...  :p

Open a "Dropbox" account and load the video to it and then post a link on here , we will get to the bottom of it , it's beginning to irritate me too ....  :rolleyes:

Good job it's cloudy out there or you'd have 300Gb of unusable footage sitting there laughing at you ....

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