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Galaxy hunting under andromeda


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Finally managed to get my 14 inch dob out on my own using the wheels and arms I added to the base!

So spent a few hours hunting out a few new objects under Andromeda.

I started with M33. With the extra aperture it was possible to just trace the hints of the arms of this 50,000 light year across galaxy. I found NGC 604 the nebula in this galaxy for the first time. It looks like a little galaxy of its own!

Then on to new galaxy hunting.

NGC 661 was first on my list and it was surprisingly easy and bright. I could hold its circular glow with direct vision.


Next was NGC 736 another circular object next to a field star...I tried for NGC 740 which is the edge on in the image below but no joy despite attempting acquisition using AV.


The final two were NGC 940 and NGC 987. Both were small and faint. 940 was the brightest of the two.


Then managed to put the scope away on my own without having to get my James (16) to come outside to help me!

Great to be out again using this Dob. I do need to get something to stand on as I can only use the eyepiece up to 45 deg without standing on tip toe or on a garden chair!

NGC 987 was my 690'th new galaxy so I am nearing the 700 mark.


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Jason its a darkstar scope..they are no longer made..it was handmade and I have recently done some restoration on it. Works well now but is a bit of a beast!

Michael. Hope you have clear skies soon.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9320 using Tapatalk

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