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Samsung 2000p vs CR6 test

Carl Reade

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Hi all managed to get the scope out tonight and do a comparison test for the first time on the two cameras. Both were set to the same settings and a sky glow filter used which was a lot better.

Both shots are totally unprocessed and integration at X512.

What I have found in this run is that the Samsung is a lot faster to settle down when using high sense up. The CR6 takes its time removing "movement smudges" 

As to how sensitive they are in comparison I will let the pictures show for themselves. To be honest it is a close call.

The first two are NGC 7023

The second the Crab Nebula (not a lot of detail)

The Sammy is the first shot of each.





An enjoyable night but darn cold!!


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Nice comparison Carl! It does look very tough to call i would say given the price of the CR6 that it has to be the winner :)

Interesting about the speed of settling down. How long are we talking for both of them to settle down? Im having a nightmare with the sammy settling down at x512 very annoying.

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Cheers Chris I saw your Iris neb the other day so had to have a bash thanks for pointing that one out. I really most stop ignoring the NGC catalogue!

Apart from the general back ground colour there dosnt seem much in it and dare I say it possibly more detail from the CR6.

I have read your integration post and will post a link I read on sense up which may be helpful.

I too get some star streaking at high sense up but Im not sure if its the cameras or mount error? I counted about 12 possibly more seconds between the AGC kicking in on the CR and the smudging or streaking after centering the object at high sense up could take a couple of minutes to settle down. The Sammy was definatley quicker. I would have to put this down to the software?

One thing on the CR AGC, even set at low if its on Andromeda or something really bright above X 128 it does take a buckle and attempts to compensate by going bright or darker.


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Haha yeh i just have a look in stellarium for some interesting stuff thats in my very limited view from the garden. I didnt even know it had a NGC number lol i just used the Caldwell number.

Interesting about you also getting the same results as me at high intergration with the streaking and smudges when your on a EQ mount. I thought it might be due to me using an alt az mount. However was never convinced about this as my mount seems to track things very very well. 

What software are you using? Are you using the same software for both cameras? If you are... surley that has to be the cameras fault as thats the only variable thats changed and you can see a difference between how long its taking to settle down.  

The CR6 does look like it is the real deal and by far the cheapest camera around! Great find! I wonder if any more of these will show thier head on ebay again :) 

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Thanks for the input folks all appreciated. It's interesting how both cams react to different levels of LP. The crab was in the orange haze that night and nowhere near a dark sky. Will have to let it rise a bit for the next outing.

Cheers Carl

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Well done Carl,

I have not even remove the filters for mine yet let alone try them out!  Not seen a DSO in weeks!!  Looks promising though so can't wait to start messing with my little CR6 beauties!  And controlled of course with the CR40 :icon_salut:

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