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The big angry dark spot.


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Lovely clear night , certainly a bit of wind bounce on the user end of the scope. Jupiter was so high and clear just stuck with it and watched nearly a full transit of the GRS.

Used from 150 up to a startlingly clear x200. Early mornings giving lovely stable firework free seeing.

The GRS has indeed darkened significantly since last year's pale imitation.there was some detail above and to the rear.

The northern band is a shade darker than this and there were signs of swirly bits in the southern belt. Also darker were the pair of thin belts before the darker higher regions.

An absolutely stunning view.


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Jupiter was looking good this morning cotterless45. First time I've had a look at Jupiter since summer. Im sure there seems to be a new smaller storm next to the great red spot. Looking in my dob it would be bottom left of grs. It never seemed as obvious earlier on in the year if it was.

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Nick - that is interesting as I have not really looked at Jupiter this autumn. I bought a 180 Mak/Cass in the summer and the views of Saturn were fantastic so I am hoping for good things with Jupiter. I understand that there is a double shadow transit in the early hours of the 6th November with Io and Europa. Europa's shadow crosses  the GRS - a great visual and photo opportunity.


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