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I'll be receiving an OOUK VX10 and EQ5 mount in a few weeks time, I was planning to store it in my garage which is of the typical modern brick type attached to the house with a concrete floor.  There is some ventilation through the garage from the gap around the metal door and by the frequent use of the side wooden door.  A wall mounted boiler is located in the garage and there is a thermostat just above it set to 5DegC. 

OOUK advised if I were to store the OTA in my garage that it should sit mirror end down on the floor pointing upwards and to dangle a small powered light bulb down in the tube to prevent condensation forming on the mirrors.  However if the inside of the garage is likely to be very close to the temperature outside then surely there is little chance of any dew forming is there?

I am also a bit concerned that if the OTA is mounted on it's mirror base it seems very vulnerable to being knocked over but I guess I could always use bungy cords to strap it to the wall.

And is it okay to store the EQ5 with the OTA attached instead of having to mount the OTA every time I want to get it out? 

Dust is another issue, as the garage floor is concrete there does seem to be a tendency for dust to appear on just about everything in there.  Is a cover or jacket for the OTA/EQ5 in order?  If so can anyone recommend one?

What do other member's do to store there OTA's/EQ mounts, I'd be very keen to know. 

Many thanks.

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I got some of that stuff already thanks but never had a need to use it until maybe now.  However it's a big job getting everything out of the garage so if there's a jacket or bag I can put the OTA in then am sure that would be a more convenient solution at the moment.

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Hi, Starwonder,

My OO came with a pair of caps, so effectively sealing the OTA.

I keep mine permantly outside in a dome and never really suffered much from dew, so i wouldhave thought a garage would be fine. Plus it is close to oudside temps, so stabilisaion time will be fairly quick.

OO are giving good advice, the mirror is the heavy end and for stability is best at the bottom. If I was going to store mine in the garage, I would get sometihng soft to keep under it and with the caps fitted, drape a sheet over it to make sure dust and other garage stuff didn't get in.

The OTA will be quite big and fairly heavy, keeping it on the EQ5 would be a difficult load to move around in one piece would probably not be a good idea. But when it all arrives, give it a go, just remember, one slip and your investment is in trouble..



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Ah yes I forgot about the caps, thank you.  Yes they will stop the dust or any other bits getting into the OTA.

Thanks for the advice re the softer stuff under the mirror base. 

You say you kept your OO in a dome, is that at a observatory kind of thing?  How does the cold affect the scope, are there any problems with leaving it out in what can sometimes be very cold, like -10DegC weather?  Does it not cause any degradation of the mirror or lube on the focuser for instance?

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I keep my OTA in the porch. The idea is to store them at a temperature as close as possible to the outside temperature. That way it doesn't take long for the tube to cool down. Anywhere dry and damp free will do.

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Thanks for that Mr Spock, then I can't see why my garage will be a problem, there's no damp in there whatsoever, very dry, bone dry actually and nothing in there apart from the central heating boiler, the freezer and usual stuff a family has in a garage, you know bikes, prams, camping equipment, etc

Whatever time of the year the garage seems to be cool, even in summer.  In winter it can be almost as cold as it is outside, there's only a couple degrees difference, so hopefully this will speed up the cool down time when the scope is taken outside.  I just don't know why OO advised that even in a dry damp-free garage there would be the necessity to dangle a small wattage bulb into the OTA to maintain a temperature to keep dew off the mirror if the idea is to keep it at a temperature nearer to the outside as possible because surely the last thing you need is for the OTA  to be warmer than the outside temperature? Wouldn't that difference cause the dew itself?   :confused:

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I've decided to change the mount now to a Dob, can anyone advise if it is safe or no problem storing the scope with the OTA resting vertically on the Dob base, like it does when observing but pointing directly up.  This will minimize the space I need to store it if it doesn't cause any detrimental effects to the mount.

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