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EQ5 or Astrotrac for DSLR imaging ?


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Hi all,

As some of you may have already seen my previous thread im new to AP im currently looking for a suitable mount etc for me to get started with.

I have seen so many different types of mounts.

I have been looing at the EQ5 and the Astrotrac these seem somewhat more in my price range so im just asking what you lot think about these 

and if anyone uses them can u tell me what you think downfalls and benefits to this equiptment ?

I would prefer not to use a telescope to attach my DSLR to take images i wanna be able to take long exposures but at the same time have it well supported and be as still clear crips images as i can manage 

i have a Pentax K-7 standard 18-55mm lense 

50-500mm telephoto lense 

Standard tripod 

any toughts ??





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Both are valid options, albeit for different purposes.

The EQ5 isn't what I'd call portable, it's a great mount for observing and only ok-ish for imaging.  Most people would go for the better HEQ5, which has higher resolution gearing and motors, can carry more load and can be autoguided.

The Astrotrac option is very portable, will track MUCH better than an unguided (H)EQ5 and will happily carry the majority of camera and lens combinations but unless you go for the big (and expensive) Travel System you won't be able to add a telescope to it for longer focal lengths.

If you think you'll only be imaging with a camera and lens combination, I'd say the Astrotrac wins hands down - you'll get much more use out of it, it'll take half the time to get set up and it gives excellent results.  There are cheaper options too, such as the iOptron SkyTracker V2 - it's not as accurate as the Astrotrac, doesn't carry the same load (although the majority of camera/lens combos will be fine) but it's a fair bit less costly and slightly smaller.  Damian1985 on here has one, so it might be worth messaging him for his opinion.

I have the Astrotrac - I'd previously had an NEQ6 Pro which was great, but too much of a faff to get set up.  It's my second one, after regretting selling the first one.  I do have the Travel System though, which means I have the capacity to also use a small imagng scope, but I also own the same Holiday Special tripod and geared head if I want to just use a camera and lens so I have the best of both worlds.

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I can definitely recommend the Astrotrac. I got one at the start of the year and my astrophotography has really took off due to it. Easy to use, light and portable, you can be set up and imaging in 10 minutes which is perfect if you live somewhere cloudy. I dont have a scope yet so just image with an EF200L lens. I wouldnt suggest getting the EQ5, unless it was the HEQ5 version. 

I did just buy an NEQ6 a couple weeks ago, just because i do plan on getting a scope next year and i decided i wanted a solid imaging mount.

The AT is all good, only bad point is the price. The AT itself is very fairly priced in imo, its buying the tripod, ball head and geared head the did the damage to my wallet!

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ohh sweet well im kinda making a decision right now i tought about my son too he wont get much joy from just taking images so ive gone for the more faffy option and im getting this 


there fore me and my son have something to do and i get to take images at the same time as i can attach my DSLR directly to the telescope im now also thinking of getting the astrotrac and all i need to get set up with that too so i can run 2 cameras at the same time more images :) 

thanks for all your replis u dont know how much it means to a noob like me 

kind regards


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it depends on what you want to image

i origionally went the EQ route and was disapointed all the time by this and that never working properly.  so i sold it all and started again with an astrotrac

now i didnt go the same way as most i went a little different as portability isnt nesserary for me.

i have an AZ mount (in my sig) i put my astrotrac on (had to get a little adapter to convert the 1/4 into 3/4 which the AT accepts cost a quid on ebay) next the at goes on the mount and then the camera head (havent worked out a better system yet, but still thinking) make sure you get a really decent camera head as mine barely is able to take my megrez dslr and flatner and there is a slight flex.

the reason for the AZ is it goes up down and left right. so i can when alligning to polaris with the AT polar scope (amust) use the slowmos to get it perfect! and its much more sturdy than a camera tripod too!.

DSLR wise i would get one (canon) with a live view option  far far eaiser :) and some nice camera lens to start you off :)   

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