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Capture software for Linux


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Ah, excellent.  Just the answer I was looking for :D

I'm exchanging emails with someone at the moment who is having trouble getting the QHY5L-II colour to work on Linux.  Do you know which OS release and which version of oacapture you used for that image?  Or, alternatively, are you able to confirm that the current release definitely works for you with the colour camera?  (Even if you don't get a meaningful image -- just knowing it runs and gets something off the sensor would be good.)

I'd really like to support as many cameras as possible.  Sadly I can't justify buying all of those I'd like to support unless they happen to come up for a fair price used.  The colour QHY5L-II is one that hasn't come up yet...


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I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on a laptop with an SSD. Now running 0.7 that doesn't even need root to run now, but that image was from a video taken with 0.6. You did a fix for me to get it running :) A distro that uses udev is needed and you do need fwload (I think it's called that) installed.

You do need to set debayer mode each time as it doesn't remember the setting.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

Edited by mitchelln
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  • 3 years later...

I know this is an old thread, but I am now using an rpi3 to control all my kit, and Indi library and Kstars / Ekos for my deep sky imaging, but wanted a Linux based software for planetary work and came across this...so firstly would this suit my needs, secondly, as I am fairly new to Linux, how would I go about loading and using on my Ubuntu mate based rpi3...

Many thanks :)

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There's a download for Ubuntu 14.04 on 32-bit ARM here: http://www.openastroproject.org/downloads/

If you have a later Ubuntu release then there's a possibility that it will need to be built from scratch as I don't have anything later installed to build on at the moment, but it isn't a total nightmare to do that.


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1 hour ago, JamesF said:

There's a download for Ubuntu 14.04 on 32-bit ARM here: http://www.openastroproject.org/downloads/

If you have a later Ubuntu release then there's a possibility that it will need to be built from scratch as I don't have anything later installed to build on at the moment, but it isn't a total nightmare to do that.


I think my version of Ubuntu mate is 15...something....only installed a month or two ago..


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3 hours ago, LightBucket said:

I think my version of Ubuntu mate is 15...something....only installed a month or two ago..


The Ubuntu one for download might well still work.  Give it a go and let me know how you get on.  If it doesn't work then I'll see if I can sort something out.


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  • 3 years later...

Is this thread still the best place for issues with oaCapture?

I'm running oaCapture 1.9.0 on astroberry (Rpi 4, Raspbian 10) and it fails when trying to save an AVI file. It does preview the camera and save as a SER.

$ oacapture --debug-level debug --debug-type all --debug-log -
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
qt5ct: D-Bus global menu: no
[I] oaV4L2GetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] oaV4L2GetCameras: exiting.  Found 0 cameras
|QHYCCD|/home/pi/QHYCCD_SDK_CrossPlatform/src/qhyccd.cpp|EnableQHYCCDLogFile start
|QHYCCD|/home/pi/QHYCCD_SDK_CrossPlatform/src/qhyccd.cpp|SetQHYCCDLogLevel start
[D] oaZWASI2GetCameras: allocated @ 0x6861d0 for camera device
[D] _oaCheckCameraArraySize: cameraList was (nil), realloced to 0x6de2a0
[I] oaEUVCGetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] oaEUVCGetCameras: exiting.  Found 0 cameras
[I] oaToupcamGetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] oaToupcamGetCameras: No cameras found
[I] oaMallincamGetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] oaMallincamGetCameras: No cameras found
[I] oaAltaircamGetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] oaAltaircamGetCameras: No cameras found
[I] oaAltairLegacyGetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] _AltairLegacyInitLibraryFunctionPointers: can't load libaltaircamlegacy.so.1: error 'libaltaircamlegacy.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'
[E] oaAltairLegacyGetCameras: _...InitLibraryFunctionPointers() failed, exiting
[I] oaStarshootgGetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] oaStarshootgGetCameras: No cameras found
[I] oaNncamGetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] oaNncamGetCameras: No cameras found
[I] oaOmegonprocamGetCameras ( 0x14ba68, 2048, 0 ): entered
[I] _OmegonprocamInitLibraryFunctionPointers: can't load libomegonprocam.so.1: error 'libomegonprocam.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'
[E] oaOmegonprocamGetCameras: _...InitLibraryFunctionPointers() failed, exiting
[I] oaZWASI2InitCamera ( 0x6861d0 ): entered
[I] oaZWASI2InitCamera: exiting
[I] oacamSetControl ( 0x8bf870, 112, 0xbeb27af8, 0 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl: exiting
[I] oaZWASI2CameraTestControl ( 0x8bf870, 52, 0xbeb27b08 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl ( 0x8bf870, 52, 0xbeb27b08, 0 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl: exiting
[I] oacamSetControl ( 0x8bf870, 10, 0xbeb277d8, 0 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl: exiting
[I] oacamSetControl ( 0x8bf870, 10, 0xbeb278e0, 0 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl: exiting
[I] oacamSetControl ( 0x8bf870, 27, 0xbeb275a0, 0 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl: exiting
[I] oaZWASI2CameraTestControl ( 0x8bf870, 52, 0xbeb27b68 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl ( 0x8bf870, 11, 0xbeb27b48, 0 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl: exiting
[I] oacamSetControl ( 0x8bf870, 12, 0xbeb27b48, 0 ): entered
[I] oacamSetControl: exiting
[I] oacamStartStreaming ( 0x8bf870, 0x55840, 0x14a140 ): entered
[I] oacamStartStreaming: exiting
couldn't open codec 152 , error: Invalid argument
add video stream failed

The couldn't open codec 152 message appears after I click record.

It looks like the error is coming from the section at line 513 on outputFFMPEG.cc, but I'm struggling to trace back to find what it is actually trying to open. If I run oacapture as root it does work, which suggests a permission issue somewhere, but when I export the AVI file, it thinks it is only 2 seconds long and only plays a couple of frames. I think it was about 15 seconds long.

Is this a known issue, or is it better to just use ser files?

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I'll have a look into that.  If it works as root then it does sound like a possible permissions issue though.  It could be worth checking what directory you're actually trying to write files into.

Generally though, I believe SER is a better option than AVI for  storing captured data.


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